Cigarettes & Scars

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Timeline: 03/26/21 - 04/09/21

Author: SSMarie358

Author Bio:

My solace is writing and teaching. I'm a mother and amateur author. Also I teach 3rd graders ELA and Social Studies.

Book Title:

Cigarettes & Scars


Military Romance, Adult Romance, New Adult Romance.

Short Summary:

The murder of Payton Bailey's best friend Charlie destroyed her, and knocking back a six-pack of cheap beer is the only thing making life bearable. As Payton struggles to cope with the loss, she bumps into Charlie's older brother at a college party after not seeing him for a year. Ryder Henderson. The boy she lusted over since eighth grade.Both of them are damaged beyond repair, and meeting face to face resurfaces unwanted memories and emotions they both want to keep buried far in their pasts. Ryder, and the toxic, jealous girlfriend that comes with him, isn't what Payton needs right now.To make matters worse, a stranger keeps sending Payton threatening text messages, and she finds herself discovering that there is more to Charlie's death than she first thought. As Ryder becomes increasingly overprotective in fear of losing Payton as he did his sister, Payton continues to uncover more secrets and gets closer and closer to coming face to face with Charlie's killer.

Possible Triggers:

Murder, sex, alcohol abuse, stalking.

Strongest Writing Trait:

My strongest writing trait is descriptions and conveying emotions.

Weakest Writing Trait:

My weakest for this book is possibly character development which I am going back in adding small quirks here and there to build the characters more. Sometimes my flow isn't the best which I'd love to work on. One other thing I am working hard on is making sure I'm writing in the correct tenses. I mix them up often, and it's a huge area I can improve on.  

Help request:

(Did not specify) Please provide general feedback.


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If you have any questions, please let us know. Otherwise, have fun!

Happy reading/writing!

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