The crowd cheered again as you put Tara on your shoulders.

Paul: On the count of 3.... we're gonna wish Tara a happy belated birthday as a late, but small gift from all the members of KISS. You folks ready? 1 2 3!


Tara cheered with the crowd and clapped her hands as you and Sarah kissed her cheeks and Paul was about to speak into the microphone again.

Paul: Now.... let's reach back to something from "Destroyer" shall we?

Paul got his last guitar for the night over his shoulders.

Paul: This one says....... "Do...You...Love Me"?!

Eric began playing the drums as Paul sang the opening lyrics to "Do You Love Me" before Gene and Tommy joined in and balloons came raining from the ceiling when Tara got a hold of a balloon while you danced with Tara and Sarah to the song.

Once the song finished, it went into the final song of the night which was "Rock and Roll All Night" as it rained confetti when you looked over to see Tara cheering for it as the confetti rained all around the arena while Gene sang the song.

Once the show's ending pyro went off and Paul said Goodnight to the crowd, Tara hugged onto you as you carried her on your way to the parking lot with Sarah, Ruby, and Liv behind you.


After arriving back home, you and the girls got the kids to bed and took showers, you walked out of the bathroom and found Sarah standing outside on the bedroom balcony where she looked sad.

You: Sarah? Sarah you ok?

Sarah: I don't know....

You: What's on your mind? You can tell me.

Sarah looked at you as you held her hands.

Sarah: I feel that we should be married Y/N.

You: Huh?

Sarah: That song that KISS sang tonight. The title is just the question I've been asking myself for a while since you married Gionna. Do You Love Me?

You: Of course I love you Sarah. More than anything. And I love Gionna and Dori the same way.

Sarah: No no no. I mean.... do you love me enough.... to marry me.... and divorce Gionna?

You: What? Come on, you know that I love you all equally.

Sarah: What about all our time together before we made it to WWE? What about our time together in the indies? What about when we had our first daughter?

You: That all means a lot to me and you know that.

Sarah: I think that it's US that should be married. You know how much I love you, but you and I both know that can't happen due to you being married to Gionna....

You: I know that.... but it's not fair to Gionna if I just go and divorce her. It takes time ya know? I don't want to hurt Gionna, but like I said, I love you all equally and nothing is going to change that.

Sarah:............. I think that I'm gonna sleep at my house tonight......

Sarah then walked away from you.

You: Sarah? Honey?!

You heard the door slam as you looked over the balcony to see Sarah crying a bit when she went into her house and closed the door as you lowered your head in shame without knowing about an eavesdropper outside the bedroom door.

Liv (Whispering): Divorce? I really need to talk to both of them about this.........

You then climbed into bed, frustrated until Liv came in and layed next to you while Ruby joined and all of you went to sleep.

*The Next Morning*

You woke up to an empty bed when you got up and put your robe on and walked downstairs, to find Liv making her coffee until she turned to see you.

You: Goodmorning.

Liv: Goodmorning.

You poured yourself some coffee and joined Liv by the kitchen table.

Liv: I heard you and Sarah talking last night.

You: How much did you hear?

Liv: I've heard enough. I don't think us divorcing is the right thing to do though.

You: I was telling her that too, but she still feels like that we should be married.

Liv: I get that, but you asked me first. I just don't know how she can't see it that way.

You: For now, I'm just gonna give her her space and we can talk about it again soon. How about we just go out after my conference call with Hunter and creative team today? We're in the final stages of getting Sarah her job with WWE back.

Liv: We can do that. Rue Rue is at Sarah's house right now, talking it out with Sarah too. I'll go get Olivia and Kyle.

You and Liv kissed and then hugged before Liv went to get the kids up for their breakfast.

*Later in the Day*

After you had finished the conference call with Triple H, Stephanie, and creative team, you were able to get Sarah her job back and have her return in November at Survivor Series. Once you had finished your workout and took a shower, you walked into the bedroom to see Liv standing by the vanity with her new ring gear on.

 Once you had finished your workout and took a shower, you walked into the bedroom to see Liv standing by the vanity with her new ring gear on

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You: Wow........

Liv: Do you like it?

You didn't say anything and shut the door.

Liv: Guess so....

You then picked up Liv and the two of you kissed before you layed Liv down on the bed and continued to make out with her.


Sarah had finished her workout after Ruby had talked with her about last night and how she wanted to be married to you. She then heard moans across the street from your house to hear loud lustful moans when she lowered her head in sadness.

Sarah: We always did that together.... Once Y/N gets my WWE career back, I'm gonna have to have a talk with their creative team.......................................

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