Once Upon a time: Part two

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Kayla had always started her day the same way, get up at seven thirty sharp, say good morning to Ollie, then go out and water her small garden. It's been that way for almost three years, but this past week has been different. After Kayla watered her garden she now followed a narrow, almost hidden, path up a small hill and over to a glass coffin. Decorated with jewels the colors of the rainbow. Ollie had a friend build it for them, and they'd put the mysterious girl in it. Kayla had started to find herself sitting next to the girl, just telling her random things, mostly updating her on whether or not someone had come to village asking about her.

"Today a man came to village selling flowers. I don't know if you like this type, but I thought it would look nice," Kayla said to the girl, putting down a bouquet of purple lilies. Kayla sighed, "I'm really sorry that no ones come for you," Kayla opened the glass top, so she could look at her face better. "But Ollie is going out with some friends to look for them." Ollie had been at the local pub, just talking with some old friends who were in town. The topic of the girl had come up and they had suggested that they go out and search for the girls true love.

"Kayla!" Kayla closed the coffin and turned to see her husband sprinting towards her. Kayla started walking towards him, using her wings to speed up a bit.

"Hey love, is something wrong?" Kayla said, stopping in front of him. Ollie smiled and pulled her into a hug.

"Nope, Jack, Maxine and I are leaving soon and I just wanted to see you before I left." Ollie told her, his voice sincere.

"Ollie the ogre war is over, you're going to be fine," Kayla said, putting her hand on his arm.

"I know, just what if her true love thinks we did this?" Ollie confessed, looking over Kayla's shoulder at the glass coffin, the sunlight making it look heavenly.

"Then tell them the truth, that we found her in the woods and that all we know is that she was cursed," Kayla patted him on the shoulder, turning him around. "Now go and find that person so we can meet this girl," Kayla half joked. Ollie smiled and started running back to his group. Kayla shook her head and turned back to the girl, "Let's hope you have a true love."


AG had always loved the woods, the smell of pine brought back memories of her mother teaching her about different plants and bird calls, but now, now all AG wanted was to be back in her father's office cuddled by the fire, listening to him drone on and on about the latest thing he had learned about AG's condition to her mother.

"Jax!" AG yelled at her friend who had fallen out of her sight. "Are you okay?" She yelled, peering down at the hole Jax had fallen in.

"I'm fine," Jax yelled back, taking in his new surroundings. Jax walked towards a small dull looking rock, but AG couldn't tell why, "Okay I think I found something!"

"What is it?" AG asked, pushing herself a bit more over the edge.

"Well, I think it a rock?" Jax yelled, sound unsure of his observation. AG heard Jax jump back, his feet hitting a larger rock. "FORGET ABOUT WHAT I SAID ABOUT IT BEING A ROCK!" Jax screamed, and AG squinted to get a closer look at the 'rock', it seemed to be a bug, with at least eight legs sticking out of it's large metallic body.

"Is it real?" AG asked, realizing it was quite a dumb question. Jax glared at her before quickly going back to stare at the 'rock'.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK!" Jax yelled, pushing himself up onto another rock.

"Why are you so scared of this thing?" AG asked, she had never seen Jax act this scared over something that wasn't the idea of Gilly dying.

"AG this thing has blood on it's teeth," Jax said weirdly calm, reaching out his hand. AG grabbed small rock and laid it on the end of her cloak.

FTRS one-shots (discontinued)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant