FTRS characters as things I've said

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Gilly: It is biologically proven that every a**hole in the world is somehow related back to the Cobblers.

AG, at a wedding (most likely talking to Heath): you know what for my own mental health, let's switch spots.

Gilly, talking to one of her younger siblings: Freddy actually prefers to draw with his right hand or his left foot.

Jax to literally anyone: No I come here to see Gilly, you were just a plus.

Kayla in bed with a giant body pillow: DON'T JUDGE ME!

Ollie: When we go to Epcot I'm gonna dress up as that one dude from the vine. 

Gilly at a wedding, seeing her father hug the bride: *gasp* I am literally his child and I never get hugs!

AG seeing Jax by a window: Why are you staring longingly out the window?

Jocelyn: Hey grandma you want to hear something really scary, I started watching this stuff when I was eight.

Jocelyn after watching something creepy online: An animatronic covered in blood? Not scary at all! A literal serial killer? Nope! I'm good! A stretched out face that looks a lot like a mii? H*ll no!

Gilly: Trauma! *thumbs up*

AG: This is it, I'm going to everyone by flags!... Welp!

Jocelyn, in a church: I just put my playlist on shuffle and Girl in red started playing... whoops

Ollie, showing up to a ball: I call this my 'white dad goes to Hawaii for the first time' outfit!

Gilly, glaring at trixie: SHE STOLE MY FRIES!

Ollie seeing Stiltskin smile: we made it through the ceremony and this is going to the thing that blows the roof off this church.

Jax: I didn't expect weddings to require so much leg work!

Jax to Ollie: Don't worry I'll be sure to capture all you embarrassing dance moves!

AG comparing the Encanto dynamics to the ones in the friend group: I'm Antonio aren't I?

Gilly: I may or may not have stolen a few pens...

Ollie: the urge to name myself after an inanimate object is starting to take over!

Jax, after having a kid in a video game: THAT'S MY SON!!!! I HAVE A SON!!!!!!

That's it, I couldn't think of any more... I may write another one of these but this is all I could think of for now.

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