Black Coffee is Basic. Jilly (with a hint of Kollie)

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"Why are we even here!" Ollie slammed his head onto the counter in front of him, and Jax couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. Jax had told him that he was going out to get some coffee and Ollie had followed him, even though Jax had told him he'd just get bored. And here they were, waiting for Jax's coffee and Ollie repeatedly slamming his head onto the counter.

"I told you to stay in the apartment." Jax told him, his voice flat. Ollie pressed his cheek to the counter, turning to glare at Jax.

"And if I did, the only thing I would have to do is my paper!" Ollie retorted, an exaggerated frown on his tan face. Jax rolled his eyes, Ollie had been procrastinating on the paper for a week now, if he could just suck it up he wouldn't be this stressed.

"You really need to work on that, classes end in three days..." Ollie glared at him, his frown somehow becoming deeper.

"You try writing a paper comparing five different types of sharks, with 5,000 words minimum!" Ollie pushed himself off the counter, instead tapping his fingers on the counter. Jax looked at him, one eyebrow raised.

"Are there even five different types of sharks?" Jax asked, crossing his arms.

"APPARENTLY!" Ollie threw his hands up in the air, frustration clear on his face. Jax tried to come up with some advice to give to him, but marine biology was not his strong suit. That had become apparent in highschool, when he'd almost failed biology.

"One black coffee for Jax!" Jax turned towards the cash register, where a brunette was holding his drink. Jax headed over to her, Ollie right on his heels.

"Finally..." Ollie muttered under his breath, and Jax let out a small chuckle. The two of them headed over to the bar, grabbing the drink from the barista. She smiled at Jax as he walked away, and Jax couldn't help but think that maybe... just maybe she may be his type. But she moved onto the next customer before he was able to speak his thoughts.

He watched her work, his thoughts screaming at the fact that he hadn't been able to at least get her name.

Ollie jabbed his elbow into Jax's side, getting him a glare from the blond. "Dude stop staring, I want to get mcdonalds on the way back." Jax took a sip of his drink, relishing in the feeling of it burning its way down his throat. Ollie shoved the glass door leading outside open, almost hitting a table positioned near it.

"Why do you keep eating there? You do know how bad that place is for you." Jax asked him, taking another drink of his coffee. Ollie shrugged, stopping to jump into a puddle on the sidewalk. Jax laughed at his friend's antics. The two of them walked in silence, just enjoying the weather and the procrastinating of projects and papers.

"Also, I think the barista wrote something on your coffee," Ollie said once they reached the red and yellow building. Jax's eyes widened and he started to examine the paper cup. And there in black ink, sat a note.

Hey! My friend has been bugging me to get out there, and you came and I thought "screw it!" and wrote this. My numbers below, text me!


Jax stared at the numbers, most of them smudged from being held for a while. But they were still eligible. Which meant...

"Ollie, I think I have a date!" Jax yelled, rushing towards where Ollie was standing waiting for his food. Ollie turned to him, his eyes wide.

"I thought she was just calling you basic for liking black coffee..."


Gilly ran a cloth over the bar, though her eyes kept glancing at the clock. She had five more minutes before her shift was over, and if Jack was on time then she could leave right before rush hour. A small part of her brain remembered that the last time Jack had been on time he had the closing shift, where he didn't have to talk to many people and still got to spend most of his time with his mom.

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