A Rumor in Enchantsia- Jilly

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A/N I may or may not make a full book out of this so Here enjoy a Anastasia au

"Now that the royals are dead Enchantsia shall be new place where all are equal!" A random announcer yelled to the people trying to go about their day.

"Yeah, a new Enchantsia," Gilly said, scoffing. Gilly pulled her hair up and tied her apron, since her father had died, Gilly had been left to run his shoe shop alone. "What's changed, people are still struggling, standing in line for bread, Oh and let's not forget how Pete disappeared after he won," Gilly said to the empty store, flipping the closed sign to say open instead. 

Gilly walked around the store for awhile, adjusting display shoes, checking on her mouse Wilson, who was in all honesty her only companion. Then an older woman, her hair almost completely grey, walked into the store looking around in disgust till her eyes fell on Gilly.

"Hello dear, do you have a moment to chat?" The woman asked Gilly.

"Um I'm pretty busy right now," Gilly lied, gesturing to the empty store.

"Really with what, filling out orders you don't have?" The woman teased, a smirk one her wrinkly face.

"Okay you have me there, what do you need?" Gilly asked, hopping onto her work table, not caring about the shoe polish getting on her pants.

"Have you heard that one royal may still be alive?"

Gilly laughed, "old woman have you gone insane, we all saw the pictures." The woman scoffed, and hit Gilly with her hand bag.

"Ouch, Grimm what is your problem!" Gilly yelled, rubbing her arm where the woman had got her.

"If you would listen to me I would explain!" The woman said, her tone starting to sound frustrated.

"Fine continue," Gilly told her, waving her her hand.

"Prince Jaxon was rumored to be at school when he attacked," The woman said he as if she was spitting out poison, or as Gilly liked to put it, how she sounded when she had to talk about her father.

"Yes, he later attacked the school, so what's your point?" Gilly asked, raising her eyebrows in suspicion.

"What if someone had come to get him, what if he lived," The woman said, heading towards the door, she seemed to be in a hurry.

"Hey lady!" Gilly, still confused on why the woman told her that, got up and ran after her, dodging everyone and everything in her path, except one person, a man about her age was trying to get the table he had been waiting on, and he almost made it, if Gilly hadn't tripped over him, making both of them fall. "Oh Grimm, I am so sorry here," Gilly said, putting a hand out to help the man up.

"Uh thank you," the man said, his cheeks turning slightly pink.

"No problem but if you would excuse me I have an old lady to catch," Gilly said, sprinting off before the man could question her. She ran for awhile just yelling and drawing attention to herself.

Gilly stopped to catch her breath and saw her, the old lady. "Hey Lady!!" Gilly yelled, breaking into a sprint again. The woman started at Gilly with large eyes, shaking her head as she approached. Gilly stopped, wondering why the woman looked so frightened.

The sound of heavy footfalls answered her question, everyone in the town square paused or ran inside, everyone except Gilly and the old woman.

"What's going on?" Gilly asked a random guard, tapping on his gold armor.

"Nothing Miss, just justice catching up to a criminal," the man replied, his face showing no emotion.

"What did this lady do?" Gilly asked, "if you don't mind me asking of course," Gilly added quickly, she already had two strikes, one more and she would be the one these guards were dragging off.

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