Trick or Treat: Jilly

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A/N Halloween is upon us!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

If you don't celebrate it... happy October?

tiny tw for mention of alcohol, it shouldn't be to bad. The scene itself is pretty small.

Gilly tugged on her jacket, the thick fabric covering the thin tunic she wore underneath. The brunette scanned her room, double checking that there was absolutely nothing her mom could say that would keep her in this house tonight. She ran through a mental checklist, she'd picked up all of the clothes that had been strewn across the floor. Even going the extra mile to organize them, fully aware that half of them didn't even belong to her. Stupid sisters... She'd made her bed, and maybe in a fit of annoyance messed up Anna's...

Her mom had literally nothing to nitpick! She had spent all afternoon making sure of it, she just hoped her mom didn't notice the unfinished homework that sat shoved in her backpack. Gilly ran a hand through her hair, hand hitting the brim of her hat.

"Why'd we let Ollie pick the costumes this year?" She asked herself, tugging at the hem of her tunic. Every year for as long as she could remember Gilly and her friends always had a group costume, ranging from the power rangers to... pirates... They really should not have let Ollie pick. Gilly slammed the door shut behind her, wincing at the sound. It wasn't her fault that dumb door just slammed no matter what you did. Gilly could hear yelling coming from the kitchen and instantly knew her mom was trying to rangle the twin for a photo. "Hey mom, do you need any help!" She yelled, leaning over the balister that peered into the kitchen. She had enough time to help with one thing, then she needed to head out.

"Yes!" Her mom yelled, her hands firmly placed on the twins shoulders. Gilly hopped down the last few stairs, landing with a small thump. She readjusted her hat before going to help, because if this was going the way it usually did then she'd end up in the darned photo. Gilly quickly took over holding the twins shoulders, her hands slightly digging into the fabric of their cheap costumes. Her mom took a few steps back, her phone held out in front of her face. Gilly leaned forward a bit, her head now practically resting on her brothers. "Say cheese!" Her mom said, slightly gesturing for the boy to give her a smile. As soon as she heard the sound of the camera clicking, Gilly let go of their shoulders, watching as the two of them resumed chasing the other with their nerf guns.

The brunette pushed herself up, her hands tugging on her tunic once again. Her mom had gone to grab the candy bowl, one hand hovering to protect it from any grabby hands that may come at it. "Well that was fun," Gilly started, ready to ease into the fact that she really needed to get going.

"And the fun has just begun!" The older woman said, placing the bowl on top of the island. Gilly raised an eyebrow at that, what did she mean by that? Her mom turned towards her, a small smile on her face but when she saw the look of confusion on her oldest the smile flickered. "Did you forget? You're taking the boys trick or treating tonight?" The teens eyes widened as she stared at the woman in front of her. She had told her mom that she'd made plans right...? Gilly remembered doing it, it had been during dinner a week ago. She'd purposely done it then because they could start planning around her not being home!

"Uhh, no I'm not." Gilly let out a small laugh, one that held no humor, only fear. Her mom just kept staring at her but now her eyebrows were raised as well. "Anna's taking them this year, I'm going out with Kayla and Ollie tonight!" Gilly gestured to her costume, especially the hat. Her mom slightly shrugged, her left hand slapping Han's as he reached for a treat.

"No, Anna went out with her friends." Her mom said, her tone sounding like she was talking to a toddler not her 17 year old. "She told us last night!"

FTRS one-shots (discontinued)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz