Once Upon a Time- multi-ship

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A/N This one-shot is based on the TV show Once Upon a time (Great show) so yeah the plot, characters, nothing except my small changes, belong to me.

"AG!" Jax yelled sprinting over to his hooded friend. She was surrounded by at least eight of the kings men, AG looked over at Jax her eyes warning him not to come any closer. Jax worriedly looked up at the dark sky, the clouds moved to reveal a full moon. "AG don't!" Jax yelled, forcing his body to go even faster. The men surrounding her turned to look at him. The man who seemed to be leading the attack said a few words to his comrades, and the men split into two groups. One group stayed surrounding AG, the other started running at Jax. "Oh no," Jax said to himself, sprinting in the other direction.

"Jax! Go for the tree!" AG yelled, starting to pull off her red cloak. Jax's eyes went wide, and he started to climb up the closest tree. Sadly, it wasn't the tallest tree, but it'll work. Jax peered past a branch to see AG sprinting towards the groups, her eyes a bright yellow. Jax spotted her cloak tossed on the ground near where AG was originally standing, he debated running over there and grabbing it. He quickly decided against it when he heard a wolf howl. Jax risked a glance at AG, but quickly turned back when he saw her, in wolf form, fighting, and winning, against a solider.(So fact about the show, the little red riding hood character is also the wolf, her cloak keeps her from transforming on a full moon, she has no control of what she does as the wolf, hence why AG told Jax to climb)  Jax took a deep breath and prayed to the gods that he could make it over to the cloak without, you know being eaten. Jax knew that this was a terrible idea but if he wanted to reach Gilly, he needed AG in human form. Sliding down the tree as quietly as he could, Jax started running over to the cloak, trying to ignore the fight going on.

"Gilly, I swear if your dead I will bring you back and kill you myself," Jax muttered under his breath, though his thoughts were now focused on what he would do if the girl he's risking his life for was dead. Jax reached the cloak and let out a breath of relief. Jax turned to look at the battle, most of the men of were dead and a few seemed to be running for their lives, luckily for them AG didn't look interested in them anymore, her eyes were completely focused of Jax. Jax's mind started freaking out, you know as you do when a huge wolf with blood still on its teeth starts walking towards you. When AG was about a foot in front of him, Jax threw the cloak, letting it gracefully fall on AG. Her head poked out, confused.

"Jax hey did it work?" AG asked, pushing herself off the ground. Jax nodded, putting a hand out to help her up, AG gratefully took the hand. AG turned around and screamed, Jax pulled her away. Once they were a good a distance away Jax pushed the now frozen AG, into a sitting position.

"Hey take a deep breath, you didn't have control," Jax said, trying to calm her down. AG's tears where still running down her face, like a steady stream. Jax's mind quickly flashed to the time when his sister had to calm him down when the men came to thei home. "AG, listen to me, no matter what happens on this trip, no one is going to blame you. We both know if they weren't going to kill us, you wouldn't of hurt them," Jax said, pulling AG into a tight hug, which she returned.

"Thank you Jax, now let's go get your true love," AG said, wiping her eyes. Jax's face quickly took the complexion of a tomato.

"She's not my," Jax was cut off by AG's laughter, "You've been spending to much time with Jocelyn," Jax complained, picking up the pace.

"Yeah, probably, but let's go make sure Cobbler doesn't get killed."


If you'd asked Gilly five years ago, what she'd being doing in five years, I doubt the answer would have been running from her step mother. Gilly dodged a weirdly wide oak tree, trying to reach for her bow, "Dang it, should've gone with the sword," Gilly cursed past self. Gilly looked ahead seeing a bright light, freedom, or the closest village. Gilly picked up the pace, letting herself take a breath. The sight of small straw huts almost made her cry, Gilly scanned the area around the village, seeing two of her step-mothers guards, those also almost made her cry.

FTRS one-shots (discontinued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora