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(Y/N)'s POV

I walked into my dorm, with Connor following me.

"Are you hungry, sir?" Connor asked.

"Starving," I answered. "And I'm not kidding when I say call me (Y/N)."

"Allow me to get your food," Connor said.

"No!" I said. "No, I can serve myself."

"Are you alright, sir?" Connor asked. "You seem... different."

"I'm better this way," I said. "You just... do whatever you want."

"All I want is to serve you," Connor said.

"Then, as of today, we're going to fix that," I said.

Ruby's POV

I lied in my top bunk in my dorm.

The others were talking about (Y/N).

Weiss was pacing.

"Something is seriously wrong with him," she said.

"I don't know," Blake said. "I think he's changed for the better."

"I know," Weiss said. "But... he must've gone through something traumatizing to be like that."

I wasn't listening to them. All I could hear were my thoughts.

'Poor (Y/N)... he really regrets everything he did... I hope he's okay.'

We heard a knock at our door.

Blake headed to the door, and she opened it up.

"Who's there?" Yang asked.

Blake knelt down to pick something up. She turned around, holding some kind of gift.

"What is that?" I asked.

"It's... it's from (Y/N)..." Blake answered. She opened it up, and pulled out a bracelet of some kind.

Weiss gasped and covered her mouth.

I looked down to her from my bunk.

"What is it?" I asked.

She walked over to Blake and took it.

"This was our old friendship bracelet," she said. "We made it when we were children..."

Blake opened the letter, and started reading it.

"Dear Weiss," she read, "I've done a lot of harm in the past. I've hurt innocent... innocent faunus for no good reason. My company has done so much more harm then good, and I never did a thing about it. I need some time to myself, but I want you to know that you are so much more of a success than I'll ever be, leader or not. I've had this friendship bracelet for a few years now, and I thought I'd give it back to you. Tell Blake... tell Blake not to hide who she is... and to be proud to be different..." She seemed to be in complete shock at what she was reading. "And tell... tell Ruby that she was right about me... that she was right about everything..."

She stopped reading, and the room was filled with silence.

I was completely caught off-guard. I felt terrible for him. He was clearly depressed at everything he'd found out about himself and his company. He didn't deserve it.

'I just hope there's something I can do...'


I was in Professor Port's class.

The Invincible Iron Man (Male! Iron Man! Reader x Ruby Rose)Where stories live. Discover now