Drown In You

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Tonight I'll let myself drown in you,
I've held back so many times already but now I need to

Get lost in the endless sea of you in my head,
Rather than pushing you out forcefully instead.

I give into losing  myself in you... but just for tonight.

I'll remember how it felt to fall deep in your eyes,
How everything sparkled and shined, how every star aligned.

I would dance to the sound of your heartbeat,
Dance to it till I can't feel what's underneath me.

I'll grasp every single moment I remember that all I thought about was being yours.
As long as I end up here I wouldn't go back to change what happened before.

Tonight I'll let myself fall in deep,
Under the tidal waves that brew the wild, beautiful seas.

Get swept away under the heavy tide,
Drown in you until I need to see real life...

Only if I could, though I need to walk the shores before diving in,
No matter how tempting the beautiful blue oceans are or how the sand feels so thin. 

But just one last time,
For tonight,

I'll let myself drown in you,
'Cause the only thing I can grasp in the moment is the hypnotizing blue. 

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