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What should I do? What do I do?
What's the right move?

It's a game of chess,
Inside my head.

Just me playing by myself,
No one knows my thoughts, no one else..

Life's so complicated,
I think it's an understatement.

Torn between logic and feelings,
Between my heartbeats and thinking.

Someone tell me the rules,
Did I win or am I a fool?

I didn't read how to play,
But that's not my mistake.

There's no other person across the table except for my conscience.
Over thinking, too constant. 

Tell me what is right.
Brain and beat, it's always a difficult fight.

Looking at the ways to win,
But from the start I didn't even know where to begin..

It's a game of chess,
One player in my head.

What should I do?
I want my heart to make the pieces move.

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