Chapter 35: A Love Lost Forever

Start from the beginning

She walked out the door and never looked back.

After the photo shoot I called her over and over. I called her all night. She kept sending me to voicemail... I tried to apologize. I texted her so much that she blocked my number.  Since I couldn't call her, I sent flowers to her job 5 times. I would wait for her to get off of work so I could talk to her. She wouldn't listen. I know she did not take the flowers because I saw other people take them home each time. I brought gifts to her house.... candy, teddy bears, cards, gift baskets, even a pair of earrings. She refused them all.... except for the candy.  I knew she wanted the candy. I thought I was softening her heart, but I saw her throw them in the trash. One day, I finally knocked on her door with Yeontan in my arms. When she opened the door, her eyes landed on the dog. Her face softened. 

Taehyung: "Please Y/N. Listen to me. Give me a chance to explain." I begged. She grabbed Yeontan from me and started petting and loving on him.

Y/N: "You have 2 minutes." She said, looking directly in my eyes with a scowl.... two seconds later she smiled down at Yeontan who was licking her face. They really missed each other.

Yeontan is so lucky... He gets to lick her face. And I can't.

Taehyung: "May I come in?"

Y/N: "No. 1 minute and 45 seconds."

Taehyung: "I miss you. I'm sorry. I was wrong. I want you at my side but I was embarrassed because you're chubby. Will you please come back to me? I love you Y/N. You are the most amazing woman I have ever dated. I will show everyone who my woman is from now on! Please accept my apology and let's start over." I pleaded.

She smiled at Yeontan. She loved on him and gave him a kiss on top of his head before handing him back to me.

Y/N: "Aww. I miss you Yeontan. It's too bad this is the last time I will ever see you." She smiled and petted him one last time.

She looked at me with pure disappointment on her face.... Her eyes glossy.... She was about to cry... 

I did this to her.  I broke her heart. 

Y/N: "No Taehyung. Never talk to me again." She said while tears start to fall. She walked back inside her house and closed the door. 

I just stood there for a while before I walked away. I couldn't move. I could hear her on the other side of the door crying... sobbing. I am so sorry I hurt you, Y/N.

***end of flashback***

Taehyung: "Hello Y/N."

I saw her body react to seeing me. She froze.  

Y/N: "Why are you here? She whispers with an unreadable expression, while pressing herself into her man's chest for some security.

Taehyung: "I-I was called on to perform a wedding last minute.  I am a minister now." I barely get the words out loud enough for them to hear.

Y/N: "Huh?" She looks at me with her brows furrowed in confusion.

Taehyung: "I am a serious man of the lord."  I state a matter of factly.

Y/N: "How?"

Taehyung: "Due to my old shallow ways, I lost the most wonderful woman. I reevaluated my life, left modeling, and now...  I am a man of true depth. I volunteer here at the hospital to be emotional support to patients and their families." I say with sadness in my tone.  Her eyes widen at the realization that SHE is the woman I am speaking of.

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