Chapter 44 - Running Late

Comenzar desde el principio

I slowed my breathing for a moment, then jolted out of his arms. "Wait, what time is it? I'm going to be late for class!" Before he could stop me, I sprinted to the bathroom to wash out my mouth and brush my hair. There were so many tangles, it felt like I was losing my hair instead of fixing it. I kept raking the brush through anyway as tears sprung in my eyes, threatening to roll down my cheeks.

Screw it. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and left the bathroom, retrieving my bag and slinging it over my shoulder. "Time?" I yelled.

"7:25!" Mikey shouted.

Five minutes. "Donnie! Phone! Phone, phone, phone!"

"What? Uh, hold on!" Donnie ran into his lab and rummaged around as I bounced on the balls of my feet impatiently and tried to calculate how fast I could realistically get to class without getting run over.

"Here!" Donnie opened his lab door and tossed me a T-Phone. "Just use that for now!"

"Thank you! Bye guys!" I stashed the phone into my bag and hopped over the turnstiles, following the tunnels by memory to the ladder closest to school.

Leo's POV

"Y/N!" I called, but she didn't answer. I could only hear the fast pounding of her feet as she ran out of the lair.

I could have taken her to school. I didn't mean to make her late, especially with how long we stayed up last night. A warm feeling grew in my chest as I thought about just her and me, snuggled up on the couch together watching Space Heroes. It was so cute.

"Y/N seriously needs to watch herself!" Raph growled as he walked in. He was scrubbing a small hand towel across his face and plastron with a face. "She spit her grossness all over me!"

"Hey, don't talk about my girl like that." I crossed my arms.

He scoffed. "Seriously? She's the one who did it to me! God, Leo, just admit that she did something wrong for once!"

"It was an accident, I'm sure of it," I countered. She had been apologizing like crazy and practically crying in my arms. "This morning was rough for her."

"Yeah, so rough she burst into the bathroom while I was in there!" said Donnie, sitting on the couch with his computer balancing on his lap.

I swear, my eyes were bugging out of my head. "What?"

"No, no, not like that! I mean I was brushing my teeth and she just ran in and out!"

A sigh left me. Jeez, Y/N. It was definitely a weird morning. "Okay, well, I'm sorry that all of this happened to you guys. Let's just forget it and move on."

Donnie lowered the lid of his laptop and made the TV louder. "We might have to now. Look at this."

Raph and I walked over to see the TV better. Mikey stationed himself in his usual upside-down position on the couch and chewed on his leftover pizza.

"Thanks, Tom. Reports of mysterious explosions down by the docks have shocked residents into locking down in their homes. The sounds were heard near midnight last night, when one resident recorded smoke and large flames engulfing what looks to be cargo from a few boats."

The news played the video, and we all gasped. It was where Shredder used to get his supply shipments, where we found out Karai was raised by Shredder. But now it was burning to the ground.

I narrowed my eyes. Someone was doing this on purpose to avenge Shredder. After all, he was still dead. "Karai," I muttered. This had to be her.

"What do we do, Leo?" Donnie asked.

Everyone turned to me, Raph with a judgmental look, Mikey with the smallest bit of fear in his eyes, and Donnie with curiosity. I took a deep breath. "Stealth and recon on the rooftops to see what's going on. Then after dark tonight, we go to the docks and check things out, see if they left anything behind."

"What about Y/N?" Mikey sat up straight. "She's gonna come back from work and we're not going to be there."

"Eh, she'll be fine on her own," said Raph. "A couple hours alone won't kill her. Right, Leo?"

I hadn't thought about the timing. After dark was when she ended her shift and I went to pick her up. Shoot. "I'll text her, don't worry about it. But let's get ready to go."

With that, Donnie and Mikey went into the dojo to get their weapons ready. I was about to join them when Raph clapped a hand on my shoulder. "Thought I'd let you know," he started, "your girl has a thousand hickeys on her neck. I hope last night wasn't too much fun."

My whole face turned beet red. "Why did you wait to tell me? She's in school with so many people and - damn it!" I whipped out my T-Phone and tapped on Y/N's contact.

But she had already blown up my phone with worried texts.

Angel: What the heck babe???

Angel: My neck is COVERED


Angel: The teacher's looking at me I'm hiding under my hoodie ugh

Angel: I didn't even notice when I was rushing out the door

Angel: PLEASE tell me you know where my concealer is!!

Long story short, no, I had no idea where it was, and I was kind of afraid to ask. "Raph, I'm gonna-!" I chased after him as he threw the hand towel onto my face and took off across the lair.

A/N - I hope that was fun ha ha! 13k reads oh my goodness!!! I'm so grateful for every single one of you!

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