Lost and Found

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Peeta paced through his and Katniss's room in a pair of shorts. His hair still wet and moist from the shower earlier. While he was taking a shower, Katniss is in in the kitchen making diner for both of them that included some roasted pheasant, similar bird to a chicken and turkey she hunted.

Rummaging through his dresser of neatly folded clothes which were mostly thrown down on the hardwood floor. He groaned in frustration and ran a hand through his damp bonded locks. " Where is it? I know it's somewhere here."

Why do some of your favorite things always seem to be the things that become lost and never to be found? Things can't just vanish into thin air, can they? Okay, sure he has seen some mind-blowing things these past years, but nothing this unlogical and well... magical or he could be going crazy. Either option is valid though most would go with the latter.

Giving up on searching the dresser, he went over to where their closet was, while also bumping his foot on one of the desk chair's legs. He hollered in pain, hopping with his other uninjured foot toward the bed. He pulled up his foot to his bed to studied it closely for any swelling. It didn't look as bad as it hurt and it sure hurt a lot.

Hearing the scream, Katniss asked, yelling with worry laced in her words. " Peeta? Are you okay?"

Peeta winced when he reached to touch his somewhat reddened toe. " Yeah. Perfectly fine." He yelled back. His attention from his toe was pulled away when he remembered what he was doing before the cursed chair got in contact with his foot.

Getting up, Peeta hobbled over to their closet to look in it once more. He went through his side but had no luck. He then looked around the room. It was a mess with clothes lying everywhere and all the furniture scattered all over the place. Deciding to give up, he cleaned the mess up before going into the dining room.

Just then, Katniss walked from the kitchen to see Peeta's toned back and shoulders facing. Heat rushed to her cheeks as she mindlessly gawked at his figure. Peeta turned around when he heard her footsteps stop. He smirked when he saw her staring, " Take a picture, it'll last longer."

It was her turn to smirk and asked him playfully, " Who needs to take a picture when your all mine?"

Peeta smiled at her confidence and finally eyed her from top to bottom. That's when he realized why he couldn't find it. She was wearing it. His gaze met hers as her smirk grew wider. " Is that my shirt?"

It was slightly big on her so it only reached up to her mid-thigh. She wore some comfortable black shorts underneath his shirt and her soft raven hair laying upon his shoulders freely. Peeta thought she looked cute in his overside shirt and bit down on his lower lip.

Katniss swept her tongue along her lips making her lips moist and put up an innocent expression. " Maybe."

Peete rose a brow at her, chuckling. " No wonder I couldn't find it. "

He took a couple of steps closer to her, getting close enough to put his hands on her hips and pull her even closer. He leaned in and nuzzled his head in the crevasse between her jaw and neck. Katniss curved her lips into a smile, taking in his vanilla scent.

" I love you." He mumbled before pepper kissing her jaw and neck. Katniss leaned in and whispered it back.

" I love you too." She told him and giggled.

" I'm guessing you found what you lost." Peeta pulled back and studied her.

" I suppose so." He said and added, " Oh and you owe me a toe."  Before Katniss could process what he said, Peeta leaned in and captured her lips with his own, with smiles etched their faces.

Short Fluffy One Today. Updates mostly every Friday or either day of the weekend.

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