Fallen on Ice ( Everlark)

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Nooooo, this can not be happening. Not again...

I left home and ran, ran until I didn't know where I was going. I ran as fast as I could

My breathing hardens and I can feel my lungs burning. I try to gasp for air but it kept wearing out. I kept pacing on the thin ice, trying to keep my body warm. Suddenly.......

The ice broke and......

I fell in. My foot got stuck at first. I tried to wiggle it free while calling out for help. I yell with all my strength but, it seems no one is there. At least I don't have to go to the Hunger Games again, now do I. The more I seem to struggle the faster I go down to the ice, cold water. I could feel my frozen feet seeking our the slightest touch of warmth. But as every second passes, I fee the coldness rising higher and higher up my body. The thin sheet of ice breaks of completely and I brace for impact.

But nothing happened... I could fell any water on my face.  I felt strong arms grab me and pull me ashore. That's when I realized I was keeping my eyes shut. I flutter them open to see Peeta's dazzling blue eyes. His face filled with concern.

" Katniss, Are you okay?", he asked.

I slightly nod, not being able to get my voice to function. He takes off his jacket and drapes it over me. He then picks me up bridal style, while pulling me closer to his body giving me more warmth, and walked back to my house.

When I reach back home, I see Prim and my mom looking worried sick. When they see me, they then rush over to us. Peeta places me on the couch. My mom and Prim then dragged me to the bathroom for a hot warm tub. I relax into it and quickly get out knowing Peeta's still down there.  I walk over to my room to see my mother and Prim already there. I smile and they helped me get dresses since I was still a bit numb from staying in the cold water too long.

" Peeta left but told us he'll come in a while. Said that he had to go get something.", Prim told me.

My mom then asks why I was covered in ice and had Peeta carry me. They asked Peeta but, he didn't know much either. So I explained everything and soon all of us were in tears. My mom pulled away first and started combing my hair while Prim went to get some fuzzy socks. After a couple of moments, my mom sighs, " You girls are growing up way too fast for my liking". I and Prim glance at each other and started laughing.

Once we got our breath again, the doorbell ringed. My mom went down to get it. When she left I turned back to my sister to see her with the biggest smirk I have ever seen. I asked what.

She giggled to her self before telling me with the evilest look on her face ( who knew such an innocent girl could be so evil sometimes), "You know don't go on making too much noise, plus I do not want to walk in on you guys when you're sucking each other face, okay"

I blush crimson red from embarrassment. I flung one of my mocking jay printed with rue roses covered pillows at her in which she ' expertly' dodge. I see mom at the door and shout " Mom, tell Prim to stop". 

" Now-- Now, Prim leave your sister alone and Katniss I trust you to not do anything you will regret." " Oh, and Peeta is downstairs."

Prim sticks her tongue out and blush even darker, If that was even possible. I walk out of my room grumbling some words best not to be repeated and called Peeta to come up. He smiled at me and made his way up the stairs. I return his smile and leads him to my room. Fortunately, Prim and my mom already left my room. We go straight to the bed and get snuggled up.

After a while, Peeta tells me, " Katniss, I have something to give you. Could you close your eyes for a bit?" I nod in response and closed my eyes. I could feel his gentle hand brushing against my skin over to my neck. He swipes my hair to the side and brings a piece of metal, I think, over to my neck and clasped it securely on my neck. His hand lay at my back a second longer then needed, but as soon as he pulls it away, my back felt cold as if he was dragging the warmth with him.

" Okay, You can open your eyes now", he tells me. I slowly open my eyes, adjusting to the light and looks over to my neck. On my neck I see, a gorgeous gold Mockingjay craved necklace. The craving was extremely precise with its exotic details. I smile at the sight of it and turn around to face him. From his collar, I closed my eyes and pull his face close to mine until our lips met. He was tense at first but soon seemed to relax into it and kissed me with equal passion.

The kiss lasted for a while with neither of us wanting to stop. But I knew I had to pull away sooner or later or I would be able to breathe. I pulled away and opened my eyes to look at him. He smiled and pulled me in for another one. We kept kissing until our lungs couldn't take anymore. After our long 'makeout', I climbed up to his chest and snuggled up closer to him, embracing his warmth. 

" Do you want me to get a blanket?", Peeta asks. I shake my head and told him, " Nah, this blanket is good enough for me." I pat his head for reference.

This what the necklace Peeta gave her looks like, Its pendant part

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This what the necklace Peeta gave her looks like, Its pendant part.

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