Mrs. Mellark

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I am walking down the aisle that is covered with petals. 

"It's your big day, Katniss", Haymitch tells me with a wide grin. 

Yes, it's my wedding day, I'm marrying the one and only blue-eyed, blonde-haired, cupcake face guy in the world who stay by my side since the start. Peeta

I reply with a smile. since my father died when I was young, I wanted Haymitch to walk me down since he's the closest I have to my father. He risked so much for me and Peeta. As I walk down, I realize everything we been through and everyone who lost their lives for the world right now. I glance over the room to see faces of friends even enemies who later on became friends. then I look down at the bouquet of primroses I'm holding, reminding me of who helped me become who I am right now.

as the memories of Prim come in, I felt a squeeze on my shoulder. when I look up I saw that I was in front of Peeta. I turned to look at Haymitch and he nodded with a proud smile and led up the stand where I saw my mother silently crying tears of joy.

I stood there with Peeta gazing at each other's eyes while the priest said the vows. when it was Peeta's turn he looked at me with a loving smile and turned to face the crowd.

" Hi, I first want to thank you guys for coming for our big day. We couldn't imagine celebrating without you all. Each and everyone one taught us something and helped us become who we are today. We all went through much hard time to get here, we lost many love, ones who will never be forgotten, but it also made us realize that we need to step forth to the future not be held back by the past."

Then he turned to me and took both my hands and said, "I would have never been able to live my life without you. I still remember the time I first fell in love with you and couldn't be any happier you chose to be with me. You, Katniss, is everything to me and i am never willing to let go even if my life depended on it. So let me ask this, are you gonna marry me? Real or not?"

I chuckle at his question and reply but not before looking at the crowd and giving them a big smile.


Then the priest spoke up and said, "Now you kiss the bride" 

Right then, I put I hand on Peeta's cheek while he pulls me closer by my waist and kisses me. All the emotion came running through, the kiss was sweet yet passionate possibly the best of the kisses yet.

After our quick makeout, the priest announces, " Here we now have Mr. and Mrs. Mellark"

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