Clove's Death (Clato)

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"Cato!!! Cato!!", I shout but it was too late. He slammed me right into the cornucopia and if one wasn't enough he slammed be again. 

A second before I get slammed again I hear Cato's scream my name. I try yelling his name again but it comes more as a whisper than a scream" Cat....o" 

My voice faded when he threw me to the metal wall. I could feel the pain in my head double its self ever second. I still had my conscious but I could feel it drifting away little by little every second. Cato rushes over to me as soon as he sees me. I was glad he came and I still wished we could both go home but, it's too late my time is up.

"Clove, Wake up Please", he shouts

I smile when I heard his smoothing voice. I try to lift my head a little but failed, so Cato grab my head and placed me on his lap in a gentle manner. I could see Katniss running away but I caught the slight glance at us she gave. I turn to Cato to see his eyes filled with tears. I try to use all my strength to lift my hand against his face, sliding higher up to his eyes and wiped them off. I kept my hand there and told him," It's okay, Don't cry; we both knew we couldn't go home together."

I smile at him. " Clove, I can't you everything I can't live without you. theirs no point of life without you!", he says looking directly at my eyes. I stare at his icy- blue eyes and beg him to try to win. I felt him stroking my face, up until now I didn't know I was crying.

" Cato please, It's too late for me, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try to live." 

"But, if I die also, can't we be together again?", he asks.

I shake my head, shouts " NO, it's not worth it, I'm not worth it." 

" Of course you are worth it, I would do anything to keep you alive, please just stay with me", he pleads. " Your the most beautiful, awesome girl I have ever met, even now you look as hot as I first fell in love with you. You'll always be the one I love and I'm willing to do anything for you."

I felt a huge amount of warmth rush into me and my stomach became filled with butterflies. I didn't know he was this sappy. I laugh and he joins in until my head ached. I winced and Cato's laugh soon became a worried frown. I assured him I was fine. I knew I don't have much time left so I did one last thing.

I leaned over and kissed him. He responded quickly, deepening the kiss. The kiss was passionate full of love. 

"I Love You, Clove", he whispered. " Only you", he added.

I smile and said, " I love you too, so much Cato" and later on added " I'll always be with you"

He smiled and returned it, but right after my time was up. I drifted off seeing my true love's face, Cato, one last time.

Cato's POV

After a she smiled at me, her hands went cold and her heart stopped. That's when I knew her time was up, She was dead.

I held her until the aircraft took her, but right before they went I pecked her lips one last time.

I promised myself I would try to win with everything I got.

I'll fight for her, and only her......

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