Mentor's Feelings

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Requested by @Keelie2507

Caesar Flickerman just announced the Feast. Enobaria had been watching or more professionally known as monitoring the Games from the beginning. She has been a mentor for years now but this year's, the 74th, tributes have made an impact on her from the few years she mentored them.

Cato and Clove.

Cato, despite his boastful personality, too can be a sweet boy at times. He has the body, the skills, good leadership but has quite a temper. His competitive nature and impressive endurance and vitality impressed made him stand out to Enobaria. Cato volunteered to be a tribute as many children in District 2 have been raised to do so, including herself.

Clove may be smaller than her peers, but her feisty, powerful personality makes up for it. Unlike Cato, she makes more use of her brain, but her ability with knives could rival anyone no matter their size. To many, she might simply be seen as sarcastic and arrogant, but Enobaria knew that a sweet, kind little girl is behind the stone, cold wall Clove built herself from when she was young, having a terrible relationship with her parents who also pressured her to go train.

The pair had trained together for quite a few years and Enobaria wasn't blind to not notice the special relationship they had. She remembers when a trainee bumped into Clove, causing her to fall down the stairs, spraining her ankle. Cato was furious, almost starting a fistfight with the poor boy if Clove hadn't stopped him by asking him to take her to the nurse.

When they were announced as the male and female tributes in District 2 to enter the 74th Huger Games, Enobaria felt sick. She knew Cato was going to volunteer but it didn't make that moment any better and when Clove was called up, her legs could barely hold herself straight. Enobaria was advised from the beginning of her mentorship to not get too close with any of the trainees, but Cato and Clove became an exception. She trained both to the best of her abilities, and she just hoped it would be enough for one of them, or both (if a miracle were to happen), to survive and win.

Just then Katniss Everdeen, the girl on fire who apparently scored an 11, came onto the screen showing her running toward the Cornucopia where the bags sit. She watched Katniss pick up the bag and run away but before she could get away fast enough, a knife comes hurling at her, barely grazing the side of her head to draw blood.

Enobaria recognizes it immediately to belong to Clove. No one is as skilled with knives as the young prodigy. She watched as Clove wrestle Katniss to the ground.

Ring Ring...

Enobaria jumped at the sudden ring, her teeth ready to ripe any unwanted intruder's throats. The ID read Gloss.

She and Gloss had gotten to know each other after meeting at a reunion with all the previous victors held by the Capital every so year. He soon became a pillar for her to hold on to, vice versa. She recalls a few days ago, she had to go comfort him when he found out Marvel was dead. Gloss doesn't usually interact too close with any of the trainees, but just like Clove and Cato were for her, Marvel was an exception. Marvel was apparently the son of Gloss's friends who died when Marvel was just 10, which was also when his family sent him away to train to become a tribute.



"Are you watching the Games right now?"

"Yeah..." Her voice weary with her eyes glued to the flat screen in front of her showing her Clove being yanked off of Katniss and held against the Cornucopia a foot above the ground while crying Cato's name.

"Enobaria? Enobaria? Are you there?"

She couldn't talk. Her voice caught up in her throat as she watched Clove being slammed into Cornucopia twice. Clove's eyes rolled back, her body limp and she was dropped to the ground. Katniss and Thresh ran away before Cato arrived to find Clove lying lifeless on the ground.

A sob echoed in her living room.

"I'm coming." She faintly heard Gloss's voice, but her mind could only process very little at the moment.

Cato was begging for Clove to stay with him (this happened in the book, I use both the book and film as a reference). The sight made Enobaria tear up even more upset.

The lock from her front door unlocked. Gloss closed the door behind him and made way to her living room, where she sat watching Clove being carried away by aircraft leaving Cato mourning on his knees.

"Enobaria? Are you okay?" He rushed over to where she was sitting on the couch with her knees pulled up to her chest, head down. Gloss didn't know what to do. Enobaria is usually so hard-headed and would always be calm in most situations, which made him panic. But he knew he had to be the calm one today. He too was watching the Games and he saw how Clove had died.

This particular Hunger Games was more emotionally stressful for the two since both of them had quite a strong bond with the Career tributes and to see that only one has survived so far had hit an emotional nerve on the pair.

Gloss sat down next to her and slowly tugged her into his arms, her face in the nape of his neck. He murmured comforting words and ran his hand over her long brown hair, that she had down, while she cried.

He patiently waited for her to calmed down. He didn't pull away until he heard her sniffling quieten down. "You okay?"

She nodded and wiped her eye with the back of her hand. A laugh emitted from her. "I knew the was a slim chance both of them were going to survive."

Gloss understood what she meant. It was a life that all were forced upon, some unluckier than others, but tributes from Districts 1,2, and 4 were brought up to be tributes since the beginning. Brought up to be bloodthirsty, to fight, to kill, but this didn't mean they didn't have hearts and feelings.

He glanced at the flat screen and reached for the remote on the coffee table to turn it off. He then kissed Enobaria's head lovingly and pulled her to his lap. "Take a break. You haven't been sleeping again."

Enobaria didn't reply, but nevertheless, wrapped her arms around him and laid her head on his broad shoulder, a small smile on her lips. Gloss grinned and pulled her in for a sweet kiss.

"Thanks for coming, Gloss."


OMG, I am soooooo sorry for not updating for a year.

I have gotten many requests, but I have been so busy, so I haven't been able to write. My love for Hunger Games is also not as strong as it was before. I still love it of course, but I'm not as interested in it as I was before. I will still continue to write one-shots from time to time, it just won't be as frequently as before. So feel free still to request any.

@Keelie2507, I hope this came out the way you requested. Thanks always for your awesome requests and support for this book!

Plz comment, vote, heart, and share!!!! Also, stay safe!!!

- Love Malina

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2021 ⏰

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