Start from the beginning

Kihyun nodded at it listen to every word he says. Now that he's listening carefully about it he thought that it doesn't sound so bad as what he thought just a few moments ago. Shownu assured him that he won't do any weird shit except wear famale clothes, a wig and act as girly as humanly possible.

Kihyun had no idea how they would pull this off. He personally think that he's very manly and does not look like a girl at all. Who is even dumb enough to think of this idea? He can't believe that Shownu is a business man actually doing this. He have no idea how all of this would work and he will leave that problem to Shownu, he was the one who needed this. Kihyun just need to act and get his money.

"Why can't you just date someone for real? Why need someone to fake it?" Kihyun can't help but asking. At Shownu's age, he knew a man would be out and about having fun with friends and dating here and there. From Shownu's story his mother and grandfather was forcing him to have fun. Kihyun would be thankful at the situation. He never gets to rest or to have fun. He never gets to hang out with people because he's always busy earning money that barely able to support himself. Relaxation and fun is being handed to Shownu in a silver platter and he's refusing it.

"I told you, it's not about dating. They want me to get married and have kids." Shownu answered him.
Kihyun nodded in understanding. Ah yeah, he forgot about that one detail. Kihyun would have hated that as well, so now he understands.

"Are you gay or something?" He asked absentmindedly.

Shownu frowned at his question. "No. What makes you think I am?" He answered.

"It's just that, you're so against marrying and having children" Kihyun said shrugging.

"Even if I'm gay, which I'm not. I still could get married and adopt children. It's not about my sexuality Kihyun. I just don't want a distraction for the time being." Shownu explained to him. There was a pause between them at first, both parties not sure of what to say next.

" Are you tho? "Shownu asked Kihyun after a few seconds of awkwardness. Kihyun looked at him and frown, as if he's contemplating about his answer. Shownu didn't mind if he says he is. He's not homophobic, he never cared about genders. Wonho is openly gay and the guy is his best friend since forever. So it wouldn't be a problem if Kihyun is one.

"I'm... I'm actually not sure." Kihyun said. "I never got time to figure it out." Shownu raised his eyebrow at his answer but didn't comment on it.

"So for how long is this going to be?" Kihyun asked. The topic going back about their deal.

"4 months" The guy quickly answered.

Kihyun shook his head. No, Nah ah.
He's not cross dressing for 4 months. No way.

Kihyun says.

"No, 4 months. 2 months won't fool anyone Kihyun. My family will not believe it" Shownu argue.

Kihyun nodded at that getting his point. True, if they 'date' for only a 2 months. His family might not believe that Shownu fell so deeply in love that he's too heart broken to be in another relationship, which is the whole point of this. Two months is too quick. But four months is too long for Kihyun.

"3 months. Take it or leave it. I'm not cross dressing for 4 long months" Kihyun says coming into a decision.

Shownu sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. He's a little annoyed that Kihyun seems to have the upperhand here. He's usually the one who controls the deal, he can twist anything to the way he wants it but right now Kihyun is controlling him.

"Okay, three months"

After settling that, they talk about the payment. Shownu assured him that he will legit pay him $20,000 per week and it will go straight to his bank account. In which sadly, Kihyun doesn't have one. He never opened a bank account before. He never had enough money to. Shownu didn't seem to think anything of it and just told him that he will help Kihyun open one for himself. He'll be staying at Shownu's place and everything will be free. Food and all that. Kihyun is pretty much happy with the whole deal, almost everything was to his good account. He have money, food and a place to stay. He'll just need to throw his man pride away and wear female clothes. But he comfort himself that it's okay. Clothes are just clothes, he'll just be his fabulous self and break the gender norms.

"Well, it's all settled then. I'll be calling for my secretary to make a contract." Shownu said, reaching for his phone that he carelessly had thrown on the couch a moment ago. He saw a few text messages from his mother and one from Seola. Then a few from Changkyun, his secretary asking for his whereabouts. He ignored his mother's and Seola's texts and called Changkyun.

"We'll be starting the soonest after you signed and Wonho gets back. In the mean time, I guess you should get some rest. The guest room is all yours"
Shownu said after he noticed that Kihyun was still sitting on his place. Kihyun gave a stiff nod and quickly got up, almost running to the room where he woke up at.

He locked the door and throw himself at the soft covers of the bed, completely ignoring the broken glass on the floor. He'll clean that one later.

He covered himself with the thick white comfy blanket, making himself like a big burrito. His thought run wild as he stare at the ceiling.

"What have I gotten myself into?" He asked himself, bitting his bottom lip. Thinking of all the consequences of this little deal.

He shook his head and sighed, closing his eyes to get some sleep. He's gonna take advantage of this now, he rarely gets to rest and have decent sleep. He'll worry about things when the problem is at hand.

At least he'll have a nice place to stay with the comfiest bed for the next three months. Plus, a lot of money to start over by the end of it.

After all of this, he'll just gonna get up and leave and never show his face to them again. Maybe he'll go back to Busan, where he grew up and start a new life there. He doesn't have anyone here to stay for in Seoul anyway.

It'll be nice, quiet and simple. Nothing to worry about.




I really love reading your comments! So please drop some so I know what you think!

I'm open for some suggestions and such. Just leave them down.

I'm slowly making some entrances for the other members. I hope you anticipate for what their characters would be here in the fanfic.

Keep safe and healthy everyone!

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