Chapter Thirty

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~~Two weeks Later~~

It was the day of Ava and Alaina's doctor's appointment. Ava was nervous. She was afraid that the baby was going to have issues from the injection Hawker gave her. This was her first appointment since then. She is a week shy of five months pregnant. The four of them are in the waiting room of the doctor's office. Logan was nervous.

Logan- "What are these appointments like?"

Jason- "This one for you; they will just do an exam and make sure things are going like they are supposed to. They did an ultrasound on our first visit and maybe try to hear the heartbeat."

Ava- "Look at you, giving advice."

Jason- "It's his first kid, and this is my first kid. I've been paying attention."

Logan- "Dude, we're going to have kids four months apart."

Jason- "Who would've thought we were going to have kids at all?"

Logan- "I know, right."

Jason- "What happens at this appointment for us, Ava?"

Ava- "I should be far enough for them to do the gender ultrasound if we want it. She wants to run some tests to see if there are any lasting effects from the drugs we were given. They should confirm or deny multiples as well."

Alaina- "Are you going to find out what you're having?"

Ava- "I hadn't thought about it. I've been stressing over the baby having issues thanks to Hawker."

Jason- "I'm not the least bit sorry that the dickhead is dead."

Ava- "Me either. Do we want to know?"

Jason- "I think I do want to know."

Ava- "Me too."

The nurse calls Alaina.

Alaina- "Let's go, Logan."

They follow the nurse down the hall. She has Alaina pee in a cup then leads her to a room. She hands her a sheet and tells her to undress from the waist down. She leaves the room. Alaina starts to undress.

Logan- "Alaina....."

Alaina- "Keep it in your pants, Big Boy. It is not happening here."

Logan- "Please, Baby?"

Alaina- "I love you, Logan, but there isn't a chance in hell."

She sits back on the table and covers herself with the sheet. Logan stands up, walks over to her, and gives her a passionate kiss.

Logan- "I love you, Alaina."

A knock comes to the door then it opens. Logan takes a step back and sits in the chair.

Dr. Truner- "It's good to see you again, Alaina."

Alaina- "You too."

Dr. Truner- "How have you been feeling?"

Alaina- "Surprisingly well. No morning sickness at all."

Dr. Truner- "Who's this with you?"

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