Chapter Sixteen

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The next morning, they get up early. They had a full day of Dollywood planned. Ava was in shock that when she woke up the kids, they popped right up. She had no arguments from them.

Lance- "Holy hell, they are full energy this morning."

Ava- "Coffee. I need lots and lots of coffee. LOTS of coffee."

Lance laughs.

Ava- "I didn't sleep well."

Lance- "Everything ok, Baby?"

Ava- "I just have a lot on my mind."

Ava gets the kids ready; then, she heads to the bathroom to get herself ready. Lance thought maybe something happened last night with Jason, so he asked him.

Lance- "Do you have any idea what is going on with Ava?"

Jason- We ran into my partner last night."

Lance- "Here?"

Jason- "Yeah. Sarah has been all over me at work. She keeps asking me out. I've told her I am seeing someone. She blows it off; Ava gave her a piece of her mind, Sarah left after. Ava asked me if I was really seeing someone. I said I was seeing her because I am. She hasn't spoken to me since."

Lance- "Oh."

Jason- "I wanted today to be special for all of us. This is our first real family vacation. I guess I ruined that."

Lance- "No, you didn't. We can still make it that way. I am curious about something, though."

Jason- "What's that?"

Lance- "Is Ava really the reason?"

Neither of them saw Ava come out of the bathroom.

Jason- "Yes. We both agreed when we were ready; we would go. I am not ready, not with Sarah."

Ava- "I'm not angry about Sarah. I'm not mad about anything. I think we all need to talk, and we need to before we go."

Lance- "Ok."

Lance tells the kids they will be ready in a minute then closes the door connecting the rooms.

Lance- "What's on your mind, Ava?"

Ava- "Jason doesn't have a life because of me. This whole situation is not fair to him. I can't be the reason he puts his life on hold."

A tear slides down Ava's face.

Lance- "Oh, Ava..."

They all get extremely quiet. Lance breaks the silence.

Lance- "Ava, I married you because you are one of the most selfless people I know. I understand why you feel like that. I didn't realize that you felt like that."

Ava- "I realized it last night. Jason, how many women have you turned down because of me?"

Jason- "Just, Sarah."

Ava- "Truthfully?"

Jason- "Yes."

Ava- "Have you been with anyone else?"

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