Chapter Six

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It's Saturday. Even on the weekend's Ava doesn't sleep super late. She heard her door open. Jackson got right in her face.

Jackson- "I'm awake, Mommy. I'm hungry."

Ava- "I'm up. I'll get your food in a bit. Go watch TV while I get dressed."

Jackson- "Ok, Mommy."

Ava gets up; she puts on comfy shorts and a t-shirt; she didn't dress up on the weekends. Once she dresses, she makes her way to the kitchen.

Ava- "Lucky Charms or Cinnamon Toast Crunch Jackson?"

Jackson- "Can I have both?"

Jackson was their child that always pushed the limits. Lance was the same as a kid, so Ava lets it go. Lance turned into a hell of a man she thought Jackson would too.

Ava- "How about you choose one for now. Then if you want more, you can have the other one."

Jackson- "If I pick Lucky Charms, can I just have the marshmallows?"

Jason- "Ohhhhh, that's the best part."

Ava- "No. We're going to save some for everyone else."

Jackson- "Then I want Cinnamon Toast Crunch."

Jason- "Wise choice, Little Dude."

All Jason had on were shorts and socks. Ava caught her breath when she turned around to give Jackson his cereal. Jason was an attractive man. She didn't want him to notice her staring, so she quickly averted her eyes.

Jason- "Is Lance up yet?"

Ava- "No. Jackson woke me up. He was still sleeping when I came out."

Jason- "I've been up for a while. I didn't hear Jackson get up, or I would have gotten him."

Ava- "It's ok. I was half-awake anyway. Creature of habit, I guess."

Jason- "Have you ever thought of breaking those habits? Maybe coloring outside the lines? Stepping out of the box?"

Ava- "Not really. I am content with the way my life is. I can say with you here it's been easier. I'll forever be grateful to you."

Before they could say anything else, the girls came stomping down the stairs.

Jason- "Good morning, girls."

They both mumbled good morning.

Ava- "Morning, girls. Lucky Charms or Cinnamon Toast Crunch?"

Addison- "Lucky Charms."

Allison- "Cinnamon Toast Crunch."

Ava was making the girls cereal. She stepped back to get a spoon from the drawer behind her and ran face-first into a solid chest.

Jason- "I'm sorry I was heading to the coffee pot. I thought I had time."

Ava- "It's ok."

Ava had the urge to do it again. It had been so long since she felt a man up against her. She couldn't deny that she longed for the physical touch of a man. Not that Lance wasn't phenomenal with his hands and mouth, he just couldn't fulfill particular needs. He couldn't fill the level of intimacy she sometimes craved. Her phone beeps.

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