Chapter Twenty-Four

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The next morning Ava helps Alaina get the kids ready. They packed up some of the snacks, so the kids had something to eat. They go to breakfast then head to Elizabeth's house. Alaina helps her mom get them settled.

Alaina- "We will be back to pick you all up after we pack."

Elizabeth- "Y'all be careful and don't work too hard."

She hugged her mom and gave the kids hugs and kisses; they make their way to Alaina's house; they don't notice the car following them.


{Mystery Person- "This is my opportunity. Two for the price of one. I only needed Ava, but I will take Alaina too. Sweetens the deal a little."}


Ava and Alaina make their way to Alaina's house.

Ava- "Where do you want to start?"

Ava looks around. The house is beautiful on the outside. The inside isn't dirty; it's just bare.

Alaina- "The kid's rooms I wasn't lying when I said we didn't have much. Drake sold everything worth money or could make money on. I mean everything, Ava. We have clothes, and the kids have some toys. I have photo albums and things like that I'd like to have, but that is it."

Ava- "What about dishes? Pots and pans?"

Alaina- "We have a couple of things."

Ava text Jason.

~~Text conversation~~

Ava- "Jason, this is bad. Drake really screwed them."

Jason- "What do you mean?"

Ava- "He sold any and everything. I mean EVERYTHING."

Jason- "Fuck."

Ava- "I'm not even sure the clothes the kids have actually fit. I know the ones they have on today do not."

Jason- "Well, it looks like Lance and I have some shopping to do. Send me the correct sizes for the kids, please."

Ava- "Ok. You boys have fun."

~~End text conversation~~

She exchanges a few text messages with Lance. She and Alaina finish up the upstairs.

Ava- "Ready to see what we can salvage downstairs?"

Alaina- "Yes. Ma'am."

Ava lets Alaina go first. She takes a quick peek at the kid's sizes and texts Jason. Ava didn't know Alaina well, but what she did know about her she liked. Alaina couldn't control who she loved. Ava knew she had no reason to judge. She heads down the stairs, Alaina hit the last step and stops.

Ava- "Alaina, what's wrong?"

She doesn't answer.

Alaina- "Who are you?"

Mystery Person- "I am your worst fucking nightmare."

Ava sees a man grab Alaina. He shoves a needle in her arm, Alaina falls to the ground. He drags her away; Ava uses that as an opportunity to send Lance and Jason a quick 911 text; she shoves the phone in her pants after putting it on silent. She turns and runs up the stairs trying to get to a room to lock herself in. She wasn't quick enough. He caught her.

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