Chapter Twenty- Five

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They all stay silent. The doctor was afraid to speak. Jason was a big intimidating man. He had a job to do, and he was going to do it.

Dr. Smith- "Before we draw any conclusions, I would like to do an ultrasound. That would give us a better view and a more precise answer."

Ava- "That would be helpful. Thank you."

Dr. Smith- "I won't do that. Someone trained in that area will come to take you to their room."

Ava- "Thank you, doctor. You've been very helpful."

He leaves the room. Jason grabs her hand.

Jason- "I am so sorry. This is all my fault."

Ava- "No, it's not. I offered to come. It's isn't anyone's fault. No one knew this would happen."

Jason- "I'll never forgive myself if something happens to you or the baby."

Before Ava could say anything, the nurse came in and took Ava and Jason to another room. They walk down a long hall. The nurse opens the door and tells Ava to get on the bed; Jason sits in the chair. She tells Ava to get undressed from the waist down.

Jason sees a tear roll down Ava's face; he slides his chair next to the bed. He takes his thumb to wipe the tear away, Neither of them say anything. Both of them were just lost in their own thoughts. Both of them had a lot to lose in this. A knock comes to the door.

Vicky- "Hello, my name is Vicky. I'm going to be doing your ultrasound. I understand that you've been through a huge ordeal, and we can't detect a heartbeat. We are going to do a scan and see what we can find. Is that ok?"

Ava- "Absolutely. Thank you so much."

Vicky squeezes the gel on her stomach. She puts the wand to it. She moves the screen to where only she can see; she didn't want them worrying. She pushes the wand around for a while. She doesn't say a word; she just reads the screen.

Ava- "You're being very quiet."

Vicky- "I am just looking to make sure I get everything notated correctly."

Jason takes her hand and kisses it.

Vicky- "I will be right back. I would like to consult the doctor."

Ava waits for her to leave.

Ava- Jason, something isn't right. They never leave the room like that."

Jason was worried himself. He refused to show it in front of Ava. He needed her to be calm, so he squashed his own worries.

Jason- "Let's wait and see, wait, and see, Sweetheart."

Vicky comes in with the doctor; they spend a while looking at the screen, Vicky points to different things.

Dr. Smith- "I see, I see."

Jason had had enough.

Jason- "Ok, DOC, we've had enough. What the hell is going on?"

Dr. Smith- "Oh, Sorry to worry you. It's all good news. Your baby is fine. There is a small problem, but I don't think it will be a problem. I must insist that you follow up with your normal doctor when you get home. I am seeing two babies. Both have strong heartbeats."

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