Chapter 39 - Sapphire's birthday

Start from the beginning

- Oo-oo-oo, - his grandmother looked at him. - He would not have believed it! My daughter was born a princess!

- Good princess! - Serdar was indignant. - She fought with the boys on an equal footing.

- Shhhhhh! Nihan hissed at him. - You found where to talk about it.

Hearing their skirmish, Defne only smiled. And she agreed with the idea that life is unpredictable. Yesterday's daredevil today can wear a crown and feel as if she was born in it.

"Sister, you are very beautiful," said Esra.

- You too, - Defne kissed her smart forehead and whispered in her ear. - This dress suits you very much. I was not mistaken that I bought it in Milan. Who did you leave baby Iso with? - She asked her brother and sister-in-law.

"With my mother," Nihan replied. - I feel that he will give her a hard time. Therefore, we will not stay long. We'll stay for an hour and disappear.

- Then do not waste time, - Defne winked. - Go to the hall and take a good look at everything.

Topal family went inside. Iso, whispering to Defne that he would come up later to congratulate her, went after them. Omer took the cloak from his wife and carried it to the dressing room. Defne stayed with grandfather Hulusi. She kissed his hand and smiled warmly and sincerely.

- I'm glad to see you.

"And I'm glad, daughter," he replied. - Today is your day. I would never miss it.

"You have done so much for me."

"You did much more," the grandfather looked at his grandson, who was walking towards them with an easy gait of a confident man. - You gave Omer happiness. I can never fully thank you for this.

"Omer gave me much more happiness," Defne smiled and touched her belly weightlessly. - He gave me a life that I could not even dream of.

The confidently walking man, as if hearing what was being said about him, smiled broadly at his wife and grandfather. Coming closer, he put his hand on Defne's waist and said:

- Darling, it's time for us to go to the hall. Grandpa, - he turned to the old man, - you come too. I asked to put chairs for you and Mrs. Turkan. Come in and sit down. Don't let your legs get tired.

- Thank you, son, - replied the grandfather and his eyes moistened.

Omer, holding Defne by the waist, led her through the arched doorway into the hall and the first thing he saw were huge, amber eyes that looked at him from the photograph on the wall. Fire opals gathered in an intricate necklace emphasized their pure depth. They shone on the snow-white skin, set it off, and echoed in color with the copper-red strands of hair. Holding his breath, Omer approached the photo and stopped, unable to take his eyes off it.

-Do you like it? - Defne asked quietly behind him.

"Very..." he breathed. - You're beautiful.

"I'm asking about the necklace," she clarified and nodded at the podium stand. On it, under glass, on a pillow of black velvet, there were fire opals of unthinkable beauty.

- A-ah! - Omer was not at all embarrassed. - The necklace. - He looked at the jewelry, then again at the photo and said: - I'll have to buy it.

- What for? - Defne was surprised.

- Because I can't imagine that someone else will wear it, not you.

Once again, her poor heart changed its rhythm. It froze and then started beating often. She wondered if she can ever, calmly relate to the manifestation of his love.

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