year four: the yule ball

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, and look, Hope's says Blupin." pointed out the Finnegan boy, pointing at all of the jumpers. "Neville's says Neville Longestbottom cause he's so tall. And Dean's says Dean Tall-mas, cause he's a giant--"

The Weasley boy glanced down at his jumper and smiled. "Ronald Weasel?"

"Another brilliant nickname from my cousin."

"What's yours say, Seamus?"

Neville began to laugh as Seamus glared his eyes. "Seamus Explos-again. Are there any guesses why?"

"It only happened like one time--"

"A week."

The six of them only laughed loudly, not caring if anyone could hear them. It wasn't long before George Weasley walked down the stairs, eyebrows slightly furrowed at the six of them laughing and making fun of each other.

"May I steal my girlfriend for a minute?" asked George, smiling sweetly at his girlfriend. "Not to interrupt your laughing."

Ron narrowed his eyes at his older brother. "In what world would it actually be a minute?"

"Since you asked so nicely, George," said Seamus, meeting the brown eyes of George Weasley. "No. She's ours. Get your own."

George only looked from Seamus to Hope many times before the latter shrugged. "You heard him, George."

"I was just being polite." he laughed, before grabbing Hope's hand. "Come on, we should go up to my dorm. The boys are gone."

"Use protection!"

"Shut up, Seamus."

"Fine, be an uncle Harry. You too, Ron."

Once Hope Lupin-Black and George Weasley were alone in his silent dorm, he began to laugh. Hope wasn't sure whether it was at her, her friends, or her jumper. But by the look on his face, it was her friends.

"Merry Christmas, love." he smiled, giving her a soft kiss on the cheek.

"And to you." she replied, before turning around. "Did you see my jumper? The boys and I got matching ones. They're amazing."

"Hope Blupin?"

Hope only nodded, smiling wide. "Binns has never called me Hope Lupin, only Hope Blupin. Which is a form of my last name."

"I love you."

"I love you, too." said Hope, before reaching into Lee Jordan's trunk to pull out a wrapped present. "I can't wrap presents for shit, but Lee can. Do you want to see what I got you?"

George only raised an eyebrow. "You didn't have to get me anything--"

"Nonsense. Here."

Inside the perfectly wrapped box was a scrapbook, much like the muggle ones from the movies. And inside were dozens of inside jokes between the two, ideas for Weasleys' Wizarding Wheezes, and photos from the years that they knew each other.

"Woah." he managed to say, admiring every inch of it. "Is this an idea for a hard candy that makes you vomit?"

"Came up with it in the first year." she spoke softly, staring directly into his eyes. "I know you and Fred will make something great out of my ideas. Something better than I could ever."

George only continued to flip through the pages. "These are brilliant, Hope."

"I told you, I used to be really big on pranks." she explained, looking at the pages with him. "I would spend hours coming up with stuff, even if I never did anything with them."

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