Chapter 161: Ark's Domain

Start from the beginning

Ark: Oh? Overloading with Cockiness I see, just accept the fact that you've lost, nobody can help you, you can't even move at 100% of your full power, you've reached your Limit...

Y/N: ...Who Said 100% was my limit...?

Ark then went wide eyed as you suddenly emitted a massive aura of energy, your power rising exponentially as Ark was blown away

Slowly but surely, you began to move, struggling at first, but eventually managing to shake it off like it was nothing

Y/N: Thanks for the Idea, Midoriya, you really helped me out here...1,000,000%!!!

As your power began to infinitely grow stronger, Ark was taken back by your terrifying feat

Ark: Inconceivable!! How are you—

Before Ark could even finish his sentence, he was cut off when you suddenly smashed your tightened fist right into his face, shaking all of the Outside of Reality as you sent him flying back

Ark: Of Course! The Limiters! Y/N Doesn't have any! He can just infinitely become more and more powerful!!

You then suddenly appeared behind Ark as you gave him a Smirk, your eyes glowing white for a moment as you then leg dropped Ark in his Back, causing his body to bend in ways that shouldn't be possible, easily severing his spine and almost snapping it

Ark: GAH!!


With that you suddenly dashed towards Ark who was still zooming in the air from your last attack, appearing in front of him with your fist clenched as you forcefully smashed it into Ark's Stomach

With that you suddenly dashed towards Ark who was still zooming in the air from your last attack, appearing in front of him with your fist clenched as you forcefully smashed it into Ark's Stomach

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Ark proceeded to cough out a mix of vomit and blood as you then spun around and kicked him in the side of his face, bolting after him as you let out a loud scream


Back on Earth

Mineta was now rubbing his cheek with tears forming in his eyes as Yang sat on the other side of the crowd with her arms crossed and her face all puffed up in anger

Yang: Stupid Imp...

Blake: So how do you think Y/N's Holding out...?

Pyrrha: He's Likely gaining the upper hand, while in combat, Y/N never goes into battle without thinking.

Koneko: Oh You'd be surprised...

Goku, Vegeta, Lotus, and Kasai were all looking into the sky when they suddenly felt a massive power signature coming from an unknown location, causing all of them to go wide eyed and gasp

Ruby: What is it?! Is it Y/N?!

Lotus: Yeah...His Power's Gone up even more than before...!

Vegeta: This energy...I can't sense a Beginning nor an end...!

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