They SAW you?!

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"So you're telling me that someone FUCKING SAW YOU!?"

"I mean, yeah pretty much."

"How Are You So Nonchalant About This Dust?!?! The Sheriffs Are Gonna Be After Us!"

"I honestly don't care anymore."


"Can You Not?!?"


"wait, what town are we near again?"


Nightmare sighed. These idiots were always a handful Then he heard Error yelling. 

"WaIt, DrEaDlOcKe?!?"

"Yeah. Why? "

"ThIs Is BaD, tHiS iS rEaL bAd."

"Explain Error."

Error just continued mumbling.

"Error!" Nightmare yelled.

Error flinched, then talked.

"NiGhT, iNk LiVeS hErE. aNd So DoEs YoUr BrOtHeR. tHeY'rE tHe ShErIfFs..."

Nightmare froze. His brother? But who was Ink? He was about to ask who Ink was, but Killer beat him to it.

"Wait, Who's Ink?? And Nightmare Has A Brother?!?"

"I'll explain later. But Error, who's Ink?"

"NoNe Of YoUr BuSiNeSs."


"FiNe. He'S aN oLd PaL oF MiNe. MoRe LiKe An EnEmY nOwAdAyS."

"So ya Got a Childhood sweetheart?"

"WhAt DiD i JuSt SaY, wE wErE fRiEnDs FeLl."

"ENOUGH!" Nightmare yelled. "We'll deal with this tomorrow. Get some rest. We got some butt kicking to do in the morning."

The group grumbled, but went to bed. 

"Guess I'm meeting your friends tomorrow, Dream. I hope they'll give us a better fight than the other sheriffs...

And with that, Nightmare went to bed.

(194 Words)

Text type key (the good guys have regular text cause they're basic);





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Fell is A good Boy


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