My father continues to flick through his paper, "Yes I heard about that. Not sure why he would even register. I'm not particularly fond of his father's personality, so I'm hoping he's not the same." He says warily.

"You never know, we might end up with another William in the family." My mother says.

"No we won't." I say, standing up abruptly, the chair scraping back. I then duck my head, "I think I'm going to get some fresh air."

I hurriedly leave the room after spooning some food into my mouth.

Do I know why I did that? No. Was the idea of the selection, me getting married and all these expectations starting to get to me? Definitely.

I hear my mothers voice directed at my father as I leave,
"Do you think this selection is the right thing for her?"


The following day I had many stylists help me in picking designs for new gowns I would have made for the selection.
It was amazing, being fitted for gowns and they dressed me in a stunning new purple dress they had crafted.
They finished their work with all the measurements and ideas they would need to work with.

I sat listening to my music, humming along as Thea dutch braided all of my long brown hair.

"How's your husband Thea?" I ask, trying to make conversation. Thea was at least 10 years older than me, and had told me about her husband, Felix, many times.

I hear Thea pause before she sighs, "He's good. I visited him yesterday. He gave me this gift."
Thea moves to the side so I can see the necklace around her neck. It's a simple silver chain with a humming bird charm on it.

"That's beautiful Thea." I say, admiring the stunning necklace around her neck.

Thea smiles gratefully, "Thank you. Felix is very generous. He's going away on a trip to America again soon." She says, and I notice she pauses.

"Do you miss him when he goes away?" I ask, watching her as she looks at her necklace with a longing smile.

Thea nods, "Certainly. But I love him, and we get used to it, so it just makes it more special when he returns." She says and I feel so happy for her.

"Is it nice?"

Thea furrows her brows, "Is what nice?"

"Having a husband?" I ask, genuinely wanting to know.

I know Thomas loves being married, but that's only one story, one couple. What if I'm not the marriage type.

Thea pauses for a few moments before responding, "It is nice. Most of the time it's perfect and wonderful. Our wedding was incredible. But sometimes it's hard. We get into arguments sometimes, because being an adult is stressful on both of us. And communicating with both our difficult jobs can put us in bad situations."

"So you don't regret getting married." I ask, looking into my lap where my nude painted nails sit.

Thea doesn't hesitate this time, "Never. I wouldn't change anything that has happened." She says with a serious expression, "Why do you ask?" She then asks and finishes off my hair, moving to see me clearer as she sits facing me.

I pause and look away for a moment, unsure how to answer, "I don't know. I'm just nervous about my selection I guess." I say with a shrug.

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