Part 33

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In the morning I'm up early, feeling jittery excitement about the day ahead. I had come up with a more fun idea for my date with Lance, that he would hopefully like. I felt a little bad I had to cancel on him yesterday, so I was looking forward to making it up to him today. Then Serena and Colin would be coming later and I was so excited to have them at the palace for the day.

I still have over an hour before my date with Lance, so I head down to the day room to see if any of the boys are up.

It's quiet, only 2 of the guys sitting together on one of the couches.

It's Hunter and William; the two friends watching tv together as usual. They are chatting to one another contently, commenting about the game of football they are watching on the screen.

They don't notice me when I first come in, but as I move closer to greet them they hear my footsteps. Both of them turn their heads at the same time and spot me.

"Hi guys." I say, both of them suddenly rushing to stand and bow towards me, "Oh, you don't need to be so formal. It's too early for that."

"It's good to see you princess." Hunter says, sitting down and moving over on the couch, offering me a spot, "Do you want to sit down?"

"Sure." I say and walk over, turning and placing myself in the space between the two guys. The massive couch could comfortably fit four people, so I wasn't squashed between them.

Will smiles as I sit beside him, "Good morning Lottie."

"Liam." I greet back and notice the paper sitting on his lap, "What are you working on?"

"Hunter and I were discussing ideas for our speeches. I haven't written a whole lot so far." He says, and I take notice of the few lines he's got scribbled down on the paper.

"At least he's written something. I've got nothing." Hunter says with a sigh, and I see his page is empty apart from a few doodles in the corner.

"So what charities have you guys picked? I'd be interested to know." I say, looking between the two.

"I'm doing the National Health Service." Hunter tells me first, clearly excited to share what he's chosen.

"The whole service?"

"Mmhm." He says with a confident nod.

"Well, they do a lot of good work."

"Yeah I think any help I can give to health services is really beneficial."

I nod, glad he's taking this task seriously, "Excellent choice Hunter."

Hunter grins like a happy puppy and I look to Liam, curious as to what he's picked.

"What about you?" I ask Liam and he pulls out his iMove to show me some pictures.

"It's called, Get Kids Going. I did some research and they actually work internationally, helping disabled kids, teens and young adults participate in sport and facilitate for them to make it to the Paralympic Games." Liam shows me a collage of images on his iMove screen that projects up in front of me.

"That's really cool actually."

"Yeah. I'm really keen on finding something that supports children in sports. If I can help others love sport as much as I do, especially those people who have it tougher than me, then that would be great."

"That's actually really nice. I'm glad it's something you're passionate about."

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to be able to share what I've learnt and hopefully spread a lot of awareness."

The British PrincessDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora