My Opportunity

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When I walk into Olive Garden as soon as Jess saw me she jumped up. "Skye I haven't seen you in forever!" She said hugging me. "Come sit down." She said waving me to the seat. "Hey Jess. How ya been? How's your work?" I asked her. "Its good. And work is great! I love it!" she squeals.
Jess is a back up dancer for famous people. "That's great Jess!" I try to be enthusiastic but I just can't. I look up to see the concerned look on Jess's face. "What's wrong Skye?" I just shake my head. "It's Kevin. He cheated Jess. Again. I'm so done with his shit." Jess just sat there. "You had to have known Skye." Then we just talked about it for awhile she tried to make me feel better. The waitress came we ordered or food and talked some more.

Jess's Pov

Seeing Skye like this bothered me more then ever, but I had something I was sure would cheer her up. "Skye?" Her head popped up. "Yeah Jess?" I smiled a big smile and started to gush. "Skye there's this guy I use to dance for and he got in a car accident and he needs a physical therapist to help him recover. I heard them talking and I told them about you." She just looked at me blankly. "Skye they want to meet you on Friday." Her eyes widen "Jess that's 2 days from now!" She said in amazement. My smile just got bigger" I know Skye! Aren't you excited?!?!"

Skye's Pov

I can't believe this. Could this really be happening. I have butterflies in my stomach. I couldn't say or do anything so I just got up and hugged Jess. "Thank you Jess! So much!" She giggled. I could tell she was filled with so much glee. She hugged me tight. "Jess this is your opportunity. Take it. If it changes your life. Let it." I let the words ring in my head. This is my opportunity! I was just thinking and Jess called my name. "Skye? This is his managers email. Email her and she'll give you his address. Okay?" She handed me the email. "Okay Jess. Thank you! Again! I couldn't thank you enough!" She smiles from ear to ear. "No problem Skye! Your my sister!" I paid for the food and walk to the door with my sister. "Jess if you want you can come stay the night at my house." She smiled "I would love to Skye." She got in her car and followed me to my condo.

As soon as I got home I went straight to my laptop. "Jess there's Netflix on the T.V. and I got cable. You can do either I'm going to email this woman really quick then I'll be back." She plopped down on the couch. "Okay Skye. I'm a big girl I got it." She laughed. I walked into my room and sat on my bed and began to email this woman. What do I say?

From: Malayia Jackson
Subject: Physical Therapy
Date: Jan 2nd 2015 9:16 pm
To: Tanya Brown

Ms Brown,
Hi my name is Malayia Jackson and my sister Jessica Jackson told me that your client is in need of a physical therapist and she gave you my name. I would be more then honored to help you and anything you need me to do I will do.
Thank you,
Malayia Jackson

I sent it. I was so nervous I closed my laptop and went out into the living room. Jess was watching The Conjuring no surprise there. I plopped down on the couch next to her and she jumped. "Did I scare you?" I laughed. She smack my arm. "Yes you did! But did you send the email?" I looked nervous. "Yes I did. Oh gosh, I'm so nervous I don't know what to do." She rubbed my back. "You'll do great. Don't stress it." I hugged her. "Hey you can sleep in my bed. I'll sleep on the couch." As soon as I said that she jumped up and ran into my room.
"Night Skye!" I grabbed the blanket off the back off the couch. "Night Jess." I cut off the T.V. rolled over and went to sleep.

*The next morning*

When I woke up I checked my phone. Of course there was a text from Jess as I expected.

💕Jess😂- I had to go! Work called! Thanks for letting me stay though!
🙈Skye😻- No problem sis! Anytime! Thank you again!💕 You should think about making it permanent!😁

I walked to my room and open my laptop and there it was.

From: Tanya Brown
Subject: Re:Physical Therapy
Date: Jan 3rd 2015 8:30 am
To: Malayia Jackson

Ms Jackson,
I am glad to hear from you. I know I told your sister the meeting would be Friday, but I'm hoping you could come today around lunch time?
Thank you,
Tanya Brown
Call me if you can

Physical Therapy (August Alsina Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin