The Rage

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Skye's Pov

Who the fuck is banging on my door. I got up half sleep. "Stop fucking banging I'm coming!" Damn people just don't be leaving me alone. I open the door and Kevin bust through the door. "This is all you're damn fault!" What the fuck! Why is this nigga in my house. "Get the fuck out Kevin!" He kept pushing me back. "No you finna help me get my child back!" He pushed me on the couch. "It's your fault if you hadn't been at that strip club I wouldn't have cheated and have a child I see!" I tried to get up and he hit me. Then again. And again. I was crying. I kicked him and got up and pulled my phone out and ran he grabbed my leg and I fell. I knew I wasn't getting out so I held down the one and it speed dialed. Please answer please answer.


Just then Kevin knocked the phone out of my hand. "Help me!" I yelled. I was screaming and crying. He just kept hitting me.

-Hello! Skye! What's a matter?!?! Skye!!

"Kevin stop!" I was trying to get him off. And get him away.


Someone busted through the door and Kevin was still on top of me but between the blood and tears I couldn't see. They pulled Kevin off me and I could here them beating the fuck out of Kevin. Then someone grabbed me and I started swinging. "Calm down Skye. It's me. Skye!" They grabbed me and held me and I opened my eyes and it was August. I never felt so relieved. August was here for me. I looked over and Kirko was still fucking up Kevin. I was still have out of it and Aug picked me up and at started carrying him. "Handle him. I'm gonna take her." And he walked out with me. I don't even know where he was taking me.

Physical Therapy (August Alsina Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin