Kylo Ren

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I saw a very large ship come into my sights, I knew what this meant.

Ben had turned to the dark side. Well, not Ben anymore, someone else. He landed the ship and turned to me,  I looked out the window, seeing Stormtroopers walking to us. "Nova, turn to the dark side."


"Make this easy for the both of us. We can be together, forever. Just like we have always talked about." He tried to pull me in.

"If turning to the dark side is the only way, I think I'll pass." I didn't look at him once.

He huffed, as Ben did when he was angry. He stood up and grabbed my arm yet again. Then walked us outside the ship, to the two Stormtroopers. As if Ben knew the ship, he led all four of us to an elevator. Never letting go of my arm, which would now be bruised.

The doors opened to a single door. We stepped in to see an empty room. Waiting in silence was getting boring, until a projection of Supreme Leader Snoke showed up. I wanted to turn around and punch Ben for being seduced by this thing.

"Good Job, Kylo Ren. I see you did as we discussed."

"Yes, Supreme Leader. Though the girl hasn't turned to be with Ben Solo. She refused." Ben said from behind me.

"Is that true, girl?"

I was not going to give into anything. I had a duty to protect the light side against the dark. If that meant losing Ben, so be it.

I was silent.

"Nova, make this easy for both of us. He promised not to hurt you if you cooperate." Ben whispered in my ear, it was barely there, but I could hear the desperation in his voice. 

I held my head up high.

"Put her in a cell and let me talk to my appetence alone," Snoke said to the Stormtroopers behind us.

The two people dressed in white took me away from Ben. Leading me to my new room, my cell.

I sat down on the floor, meditating. I had faith Leia and Han would hear about this and come get us. I had even more hope, as I felt Luke. Alive.

I would be out of here in no time, I just had to lay low.


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