Help me, please

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I was released two days later, with medication and the promise I would be supervised. Kylo was the one who volunteered for that. I was strictly on bed rest until I had the pain under control. So, I lay in bed in and out of sleep due to my pills.

Kylo would order food and someone would deliver it, then he would watch over me as I slept. The silence between us was becoming deafening.

He sat in my room, reading over missions, or the reports from The Knights of Ren. I studied him closely, how could he not feel my internal conflict? I was screaming in my mind for help to know what to do.

"Stop thinking so loud." He broke the silence. "It's like your mind is in hyper-drive."

Stop looking into my mind. I scold.

"I see you felt..." He stopped for a second, really searching into my mind. "Feel the pull to the light side after seeing Han Solo's ship."

Get. Out. Of. My. Mind.

"Don't you remember, the people we thought would protect us, didn't do their jobs. They knew I had turned, but you, sweet Storm were holding onto hope. You thought they would come to save you. I watched you sit in that cell, not speaking for a year. I have always been there for you. I always will be here by your side."

He stood up and walked to where I lay in bed. He began stroking my hair, "I had to protect you from anyone who wanted to hurt me. It burned inside me for so long, but I remained quiet. You wondered if I loved you back."

My eyes betrayed me, as a tear fell. I wiped it away as fast as I could. I wanted to know if he loved me, but at what cost if he didn't.

"I did...I did love you. I do. I want you around all the time, I crave your attention and affection. I want you to rule by my side."

I felt my eyes grow wide. He continued to express these hidden feelings from me, ones I didn't even know still existed. "I don't want to lose you to the light side."

I pull his head against mine. You won't. All I need is you. Show me the power of the dark side.

And he did. He reminded me of why the dark side was where we belonged. Together.

After that it went back to normal, though this time I knew for sure he wanted to be with me. We both laid in my bed together, he had already fallen asleep and I knew what I had to do. I kissed his cheek, putting my hand on it as to preserve it there. I put on my uniform and quietly as possible, left my room.

Since we are on in space, constantly moving through the galaxy; our internal clocks to tell the differenence between day and night were non-existent. Instead, the lights inside the Finalizer dimmed or were very bright as to tell the time. I walked through the dimly lit hallways, hurrying as I went. Only unlucky Stormtroopers roamed at this hour. I arrived to my destination and waited.

He appeared all at once, "Back so soon?"

"I would like to redeem myself if you would grace me with the task." I showed no fear.

"And how could you do that?" Snoke leaned closer in his chair.

"I know where Han Solo will be taking the three fugitives. I can go undercover, wait for them to arrive and call in the squad."

Snoke thought about it for a second, "I will not freeze up again. Master Ren reminded me of why I chose to fall to the dark side."

"Go, quietly. Alert the General of your intentions, I await to hear of your success." Snoke agreed to let me go.

"Thank you, Supreme Leader I will not fail you again," I said confidently.

"We shall see." He repeated to me as he had said to Kylo.

Guide Me • Kylo Ren  Where stories live. Discover now