The Force Awakens

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I get my uniform on, my hood up and my face covered. I turn to Kylo, thinking about something. Could I go with the Troopers? I'm dying for a fight.

"No." His helmet muffling his normal voice

C'mon. Please?

He turned his head, I looked to where I thought his eyes were, "No."

I blew air up, on my face. Kylo and I, now walked to his ship. Phasma was already there, with her battalion. They would take three shuttles down and when they had gathered all the citizens, Kylo's ship would come down.

As we waited for the attack to begin, I fiddled with the hilt of my double-bladed lightsaber. A couple of minutes went by and we started descending. I was to be right behind Kylo when he walked out the doors, with two Stormtroopers on our tails.

Kylo approached an old-looking man, "Look how old you've become."

The man replied, "Something far worse has happened to you. Both of you." I stared the man down.

"You know what we've come for."

"I know where you come from. Before you called yourselves Kylo Ren and Storm."

"The map to Skywalker. We know you found it." Kylo walked a little ways away. I surveyed the area, looking for any threats.

The man contiuned to stall or possibly get a rise from either of us. "The First Order rose from the dark side. You did not. Neither of you."

Kylo walked up close to the man's face, "I'll show you the dark side."

"You may try. But you cannot deny the truth that is your family."

"You're so right." Kylo pulls out his lightsaber and strikes the man down. Killing him.

I saw movement to my right and saw a man with a gun, he shot at Kylo. But I stopped the blast, it was frozen in mid-air. I also froze the man where he stood.

I knew Kylo sensed the man the same second as I did, but let me show my power off. To provoke more fear in not just the villagers, but the Troopers too.

Two Stormtroopers ran over to the frozen man, getting the gun out of his hand, by punching him and bring him in front of Kylo and myself. The man again was hit, as to put him on his knees.

Kylo crouched in front of this man, inspecting him. He was talking to me in my mind, Tekka gave the map to this rebel scum.

Silently stare at him, it will make him uncomfortable. Then, he will start talking.

Not even a second later, "So, who talks first? You talk first? I talk first?"

Not even a second later, "So, who talks first? You talk first? I talk first?"

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"The old man gave it to you."

The younger man doing as Tekka did. "It's just very hard to understand you with all the..."

"Search him," Kylo commands the Stormtroopers and stands up.

"apparatus." The Stormtroopers pat him down, as Kylo and I stare.

"Nothing, sir." One of the white armored men say.

"Put him on board." The Troopers led the man away.

Can I question him? I ask Kylo.


Phasma approaches us, "Sir, the villagers?"

He turned to see them, "Kill them all."

I heard blasters heat up and the villagers screaming. Phasma said, "On my command. Fire." We watch as the villagers get shot down.

I had sensed a Trooper resisting Captain Phasma command. I found him and called Kylo over, we stare at him. Kylo nods at me, while he and the Stormtroopers go back to the ship. I stare down the man who didn't shot before I walked away. I let go of my hold on our prisoner's attempted blast at Kylo.

Hearing a loud crash behind me, I smile.

Though I couldn't go with the Troopers to round up the villagers, I did get to help them destroy the village. With my lightsaber out, the Troopers and I demolished everything we saw. When I was satisfied, I got onto Kylo's craft and we sped back to base.

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