Tortue is a friend of mine.

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Caution- trigger warning.

I grew more and more anxious as we neared the Finalizer. I had failed my mission and now Snoke was going to kill me. I tried to shake off the feeling of the light side, the people who defended it, turned their backs on me. So, I turned my back on it and them.

I was Storm now. Nova is dead, I remind myself. Or tried to convince myself.

As I felt the shuttle lower onto the launch pad, I close my eyes readying myself to face Hux, the Supreme Leader, and Ren. The doors open and I was at the head of the pack. I felt drunk in a way, everything was moving in slow-motion. I felt everyone knew what I was thinking when they looked at me.

Hux found me first, "You let them get away!?"

I'm sorry. It was my fault, I shouldn't have let it happen.

I couldn't meet his eyes. I was petrified of dissapointing Snoke and him.

"Storm, what happened out there?" Hux tried to touch my arm, but it felt like ice on my bare shoulder. It woke me up, I shook my head at him, looking around frantic.

I have to see Snoke.

"I was headed there too. We can walk together." He tried to use a softer voice with me. He even held his arm out for me. I took it, needing the stability.

Hux and I got into the elevator and as the doors opened we saw Kylo waiting. I'm guessing he had heard of my failure because his rage was almost tangible.

I let go of Hux's arm and alone walked into my doom. Snoke wouldn't even look at me. I chewed on my lip and clenched my hands so hard, I felt the blood begin to drip from my nails cutting into my palm. A single Stormtrooper dressed in red also stood in the room.

"What happened?" Snoke finally talked.

"I felt the pull to the light side when I saw the ship. I froze. I'm sorry Supreme Le-" I confessed to him.

"You are going to remember what failure feels like, so you won't do it again." Snoke then gestured to the red Stormtrooper, who walked to me.

He first back-handed me, then punched me so hard in my stomach I fell to the floor. He climbed on top of me, sitting on my hips, so I couldn't escape. He pinned my hands above my head and proceeded to pull a knife out from his uniform. I thrashed around, trying to break free of this grasp. "No!"

He heard me just didn't choose to listen. I screamed in agony as he slowly cut into the middle of my forhead, just barely missing my right eye and continued to drag the knife on my cheek to my ear.

He let go of my hands, long enough for me to push my hips up and throwing him and myself into a backward roll that put me on top of him. I now held the knife to his throat.

"Storm! Enough!"

I spat on the red Trooper and got off of him. The blood dripped down my face, as I stood in front of Snoke. The red Trooper left through the front doors, signaling for Kylo and Hux to come in. Hux stood in the middle of me and Kylo.

"The droid will soon be delivered to the Restistance leading them to the last Jedi. If Skywalker returns the new Jedi will rise." Snoke talked to Hux and Ren, but wanted to humilate me.

"Supreme Leader, I take full responsiblity-" I tried to appease Snoke, but that only made him more mad at me.

"Storm! Our strategy must now change."

"The weapon. It is ready." Hux said, trying to take Snokes attention off of me. "I believe the time has come to use it. We shall destroy the government that supports the Resistance, the Republic. Without their friends to protect them the Resistance will be vulnerable. And we will stop them before they reach Skywalker."

"Go. Oversee preparations."

"Yes, Supreme Leader." Hux left, after staring down Kylo.

"There has been an awakening. Have you felt it?" Snoke now talking to both of us, but mostly Kylo.


"There's something more. The droid we seek is aboard the Millennium Falcon." As Snoke said that, I thought of the ship on Jakku. How close I was to retrieving the map to Skywalker.

"He means nothing to me," Kylo said.

"Even you, master of the Knights of Ren have never faced such a test."

"By the grace of your training, I will not be seduced."

"We shall see. We shall see." Snoke dissapeared after that.

I finally put my hand up to my face. Blood all over my hands from my nails cutting into my palms, and from my new cut.

I covered my eye as I stepped down the stairs to get out of the room, "What did he do to you?"

I ignored him and kept walking, out of the room and into the elevator with him. I held back the tears from all my newly restored emotions. As the elevator stopped on my floor, I was quick to step out. Kylo again following after me.

When we got close to our rooms, he pulled my arm back. The same arm that had been covering the cut. He pulled me back so hard, my hand flew from my face and my body spun in front of him. When he saw my face, he tried to take a closer look, which made me take steps back.

He took another step foward, "Leave me alone!" I opened my room door and slammed it in his face.

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