Bring her home

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I woke up with my hands tied, mouth covered and something over my face. I got on my back and put my feet up to where my head is, I ripped the covering off of my face. I put my weight on my arm to get back up but cried out in pain. Chewie shot me, I forgot.

I was in the Millennium Falcon. How did I get here? Where was Kylo? My thoughts went blank when I felt her.

Leia was here. I was on the rebel base.

I heard someone coming up the ramp of the ship, I tried to find a weapon but all I found was a box of tools. I could use to force to hit them with it. I got ready as the steps got closer. Three, two, one.


I dropped the toolbox, all the contents falling to the floor. I couldn't speak, so I sounded muffled when I said her name. She walked over to me in a long dark blue grown, she took the tape off of my mouth. "Leia."

"I got your message. I understand, why you did what you did." She said holding my face.

"Han. He's gone."

"I know."

"We were so close to saving him, Leia. He put the saber out and...oh Han. I wasn't going to come back until I brought him out of the dark. But he's further than I thought." I cried into her shoulder.

"And you?" She asked.

"I've been in and out for a while. I've hidden it pretty well. I stayed for him. He even asked me..." I felt my finger. The ring was gone. "Where's my ring?" I looked on the floor, it wasn't there.

"I knew you were always the only one for him." She held my ring in her hand, playing with it. "Turn around." I did and she untied me.

She then lifted my left hand and put my ring back on it. "I have to go back, Leia. I felt it, he's more conflicted than ever. I can bring him back."

"I'm sending you with Chewie and Rey to find Luke. I have a feeling he will be as stubborn as ever. You need to help teach Rey in the light side, you are one of the last Master Jedi's."

"I can't teach her. I'm not strong enough."

"The fact that you healed Finn instead of killed him, shows me you are stronger than you think. I know the Nova I raised is in there, the light is still in you. I also know, there is a part of you that belongs to the dark side. Remember to bring balance to them. If you can, bring him home. I love you, I always have."

"I love you, Leia." She left and Chewie came in.

I explained to him, Ren put the lightsaber in him. I stayed to bring him back. He didn't believe me, and I understood why. I held my hands out to him, surrounding willingly. I was going to earn my trust back. I was tied to the table on the ship, Rey and Chewie flew to where Luke was. Leaving me blind in knowing that information.

I tried to reach out to Kylo, but it was dead silence. I could still feel him alive. He was keeping me out. I played with my ring, I will save you Ben if it's the thing that kills me.

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