My name isn't Nova

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The next part was a bit of a blur. Kylo yanked me out of my cell as fast as he could. He called an emergency meeting with The Supreme Leader and I fell to the dark side.

Next thing I know, my chambers were down the hall from Kylo, I'm training with him and Snoke; I even got a new lightsaber. I took Luke's advice from before and decided I needed a double-bladed lightsaber. It glowed red.

The Supreme Leader wanted me to forget about the person I was before. So, I dyed my hair, platinum blonde. He also thought I could be Kylo's appearance. Meaning I would go on missions with him and make people fear the First Order more than they already do.

I had my "uniform", it was all black as to match Kylo. It had a hooded cape as he did, however, I had a sort of high neck that covered my face up to the bridge of my nose.

Lastly, he changed my given name

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Lastly, he changed my given name. No longer was I, Nova from Tattooine. I was now Storm, Kylo Ren's right-hand and apprentice.

A lot of me was changed for The Supreme Leader's "vision", but one thing that stayed the same was my voice. After using my voice to talk to Kylo, I didn't like it. Unless I was commanded by The Supreme Leader to talk, I didn't. I would still and now more frequently talk to Kylo through our minds. It was easier to figure out where the other was, among other things.

On one of my first missions, I got hurt really bad. I couldn't scream to Phasma or one of the Stormtroopers to help me, so I told Kylo where I was. He found me and carried me back to the ship. I had gotten the information we needed and gave it to The Supreme Leader.

After Kylo and I were dismissed and Hux came into the room, I collapsed into Kylo's arms. He again carried me. Only this time he took me to his room. It felt like it had before we were both lured to the dark side. We got to be Ben and Nova for a moment. We laughed at Hux, and Kylo kissed me. I could breathe again.

But, once morning hit, it was forgotten. I still fascinated Kylo, he would unnecessarily put his hand on my lower back as we walked to his personal ship for a mission. He let me sit in his chambers as he looked at the details of our next mission, watching me. I knew Ben was still in there, I could feel it.


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