The Big Day

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The day was finally here. I had those three ladies come in and help me get ready, with my dress and hair and makeup.

I think after five hours I was finally ready. Kylo decided that his most trusted Knight would walk me down the aisle. Which I was happy with.

Kylo and I had been away from each other for two days, we were being traditional. It was awful. So, I was ready to see him.

The Knight and I stood in front of the doors, he squeezed my arm and said, "Master Ren is very excited to see you Emperess."

He's not the only one.

They finally opened the doors, and I couldn't wait to marry Kylo. We didn't look at anything or anyone else besides each other.

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My red ball gown was stunning with my almost crown of a headpiece and veil

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My red ball gown was stunning with my almost crown of a headpiece and veil. Everything went perfect, and the generals, as I predicted did get drunk. I had met many generals that night and many important people in the First Order.

Kylo did most of the talking and I just stood at his side. Until everything was over and we hopped on his private ship to our honeymoon.

It was bliss to have Kylo all to myself. We didn't have to worry about intimidating anyone or fighting for respect. We adored each other and were basically attached at the hip. And as promised he showed me, he missed me a lot. We were practically stuck in our room the whole time we were on the planet.

One of those days though, I convinced him to explore with me. We dressed in colorful clothes, something different for both of us. We bought some local food and local jewelry, books, things that fascinated me.

After that, we didn't leave the room until we had to go back to the ship. Twelve days of pure bliss with my darling. Now the real work began.

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