The End

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I felt it. I felt it all. The humming of Kylo's and Luke's lightsaber used to kill Snoke and the red guards.

The tearing of the lightsaber between Kylo and Rey. The crash of a Resistance cruiser into The Supremacy at lightspeed.

The pain Leia felt from it, losing more than half of her fleet. I felt it all.

The most pain I felt was from Phasma. I felt her death. And I couldn't stop it. "No!" I screamed through the tape on my mouth. It sounded more like noise, instead of an actual word.

And then there was Kylo. He named himself The Supreme Leader.

Rey. She took Snoke's escape craft and met us at the rendezvous point. She got on board and Chewie piloted us to where the Resistance Base was. Rey made the mistake of checking on me, she ripped the tape off of me.

"How could you. You imprisoned me on this ship, when I could've seen Ben. How could you!" I scream at her.

She left me after that, not even putting the tape back on me. She went down to the gun controls and that was my cue. I had already untied the rope and had gotten it off when I felt Rey shooting at something. I got up from the wall and grabbed my saber. I was getting out of here.

I go to the escape pod, or lack thereof. I lift up the latch. I used the Force to visualize where I was, and I willed the doors to open. I fell in the air, landing on top of the mountain. I slid down on the large metal door, I walked up to the ditch and went in through there. I walked until I could see Leia.

"General, can I talk to you?" I put my hands behind my back.


I walked up to her and pushed her somewhere private. I open my mouth to talk then, there was a loud bang on the doors that echoed throughout the insides of the cave. I run to the now small hole in the door to see AT-AT walkers and Ren's ship. I was so close. I was almost back to him.

I had my hand on a crate, ready to run across the battlefield. But someone put their hand on my shoulder, I looked at them with disguise. It surprised me to see Luke, he nodded to me before walking right out in the open.

I could hear the command in my head, and I saw the guns aimed at Luke. Every gun fired at him, but yet when the smoke clear, there he stood. Even pushing sand off of his shoulder.

When I saw Ren's ship lower down to the ground, I begin walking out to where Luke stood. I walked until Kylo came into my view, I ran to him. Jumping into his arms, I breathed him in. He kept moving his arms around my back, as if making sure I was real. He held my face in his hands and looked me over. Then he looked behind me. "I'm ending this."

I'm not leaving you.

I walk hand and hand with him, to face Luke. "Did you come back to say you forgive me? To save my soul?"


Kylo brushed off his cape, it falling to the ground.

I don't want you to fight him, he's mine. He said in his mind.

So, I stood back, as Kylo ignited his lightsaber. Luke followed. They fought, going back and forth.

"I failed you, Ben. I'm sorry."

"I'm sure you are! The Restsiance is dead. The war is over. And when I kill you, I will have killed the last Jedi."

"Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong. The Rebellion is reborn today. The war is just beggining. And I will not be the last Jedi."

"I'll destroy her and you, and all of it."

"No. Strike me down in anger and I'll always be with you. Just like your father."

Kylo, wait don't!

Luke wasn't actually here. Kylo put his saber through Luke and it went straight through him. Then he turned to look at the cave, knowing we lost and the Rebellion still lives. "No!"

I walked up to him with his cape in my arms. I held onto his arm, as he called in the Stormtroopers. I stopped, the breath from my lungs escaping me, as life escaped Luke. I took a deep breath and he was gone. I couldn't save him either.

Kylo marched into the cave with Troopers and Hux. I stood outside, except I felt Rey, as I had felt Kylo on the island. I looked around and saw her. I glared at her and turned away. This wasn't over, yet.

Guide Me • Kylo Ren  Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz