"I don't know what to do." Kayla cried while shaking her head.

"I've literally been in your position Kay after finding out that Chris was cheating, the very last thing I wanted was any connections to him." Mya told her.

"But look at your outcome and at least he didn't get anybody else pregnant. This is lowkey embarrassing and what's even more fucked up is the side chick got her baby first so my child is what, a pity baby?!"

Mya nor Mariah knew what to say and they both felt like they had no right to tell her what to do with her body.

"So how far along do you think you are?" Mariah asked.

Kayla exhaled while sitting back. "Hoody hasn't touched me since like a week before I left to help you in Atlanta."

"That was almost like a month ago."

"This is just too much."

"What do you want to do Kayla, what is your heart and mind telling you?" Mya asked.

"I don't want to kill an innocent baby but then again I'm not sure if hoody is the man I want to be the father of my child. I never wanted to be in a baby mama, baby daddy situation and this is exactly what we'll be. I don't think he'd be a bad father if I were to keep the baby but I'm just torn."

"Well my advice to you is to not rush into any decisions until you feel like you're completely sure. Because you don't want to regret the wrong decision, it'll make you feel worse. Trust me."

"That's true. I just need to sleep on it."

"And possibly talk to Hoody." Mariah suggested. "Yes it's your body, I get that but he's still the dad. And I know his feelings probably mean nothing to you but he'd should know."

"I'll think about it."

Before any of them could say anything else there was banging on the door.

"Is Hoody psychic or something?" Mariah laughed while Kayla got up.

"Girl I don't know but I'm nervous." She went and opened the door. "Tim, what are you doing here?"

Mya quickly looked back hoping that it was a different Tim.

Tim looked past his older sister and over at Mya. Moving past Kayla he rushed into the living room. "Yo you foul as fuck." He said walking up to Mya.

Her eyes grew. "Excuse me?!"

"So you really gone send yo lawyer to put me out the motherfucking house?! You couldn't be woman enough to do that shit yoself." He yelled.

Mariah stood up. "Tim you need to back the fuck up."

"This ain't got shit to do with you Mariah. I'm talking to this petty ass bitch in front of me."

Mya quickly jumped up, all of her therapy was on its way out the window. "NIGGA YOU GOT ME FUCKED UP!"

"I'm yo fucking brother and you just gone put me out on the street over a baby?! I ain't never seen no weak ass shit like this. I've had yo back since the day you was born, I mess up one time and this the shit you pull! I'd never do you like that."

Checkmate: THE NEXT LEVEL (R)Where stories live. Discover now