"We should talk later," Zushi said, looking a bit nervous and glancing around. Killua didn't understand, but he decided it was best to talk somewhere more private.
"Alright, meet me after the assembly," Killua explained. Zushi nodded, happily accepting the time. Other students began making fun of E Class, much to the annoyance of many of the students, including Killua.

The assembly started and even then they laughed at the E Class. It bothered Killua to a great amount and not to mention, very bored. He had no one else to talk to. Zushi was on the other side of the room, and Karma ditched. His only entertainment was eavesdropping on nearby people.

Students from other classrooms started mumbling about Karasuma, saying how hot and cool he was, and how unfair E Class got a good teacher. 'Wait until you see Ms. Bitch,' Killua thought and right on cue, the lady herself walked in, catching everyone's attention. Killua wanted to laugh, 'Oh, how people are blinded of her true colors.' Irina began to walk up to Nagisa, asking for intel on the teacher. Killua had to admit, he was a bit jealous that Nagisa's face was buried in Irina's enormous 'TaTas' as Nagisa calls it. He can also tell Gon would be very disappointed in his thoughts as well.

More students began complaining as they pass around some sheets. The man on the speakers began talking when everyone but E Class got their handouts.
"Um, excuse me, sir, E Class didn't get the handout," Isogai explained, raising his hand.
"Oh, wow, really? That's kinda bizarre, huh. I'm so sorry, I was sure we printed enough for everybody. Guess E Class will have to memorize everything from their neighbors," he said. The crowd began laughing as E Class frowned. Although a gust of wind filled the area and E Class was given handwritten handouts.
"There you go Isogai. All of you should have a copy now right?" Koro-sensei asked.
"Nevermind, my mistake, sorry," Isogai said.


The assembly had finished and Killua was outside near the vending machine, waiting for Zushi. He noticed Nagisa walking in his direction and he waved at him. Killua continued standing there, hands in his pockets. Nagisa frowned, placing a coin into the slot.
"Killua!" a childish voice yelled. Killua turned his head to his side, smiling and waving at his friend.

"Hey Zushi," Killua greeted. The two were now standing in front of each other, and their height differences are clearly noticeable. Nagisa watched the two interact, as he bent down to grab his can.
"So where are we going?" Zushi asked.
"Let's go in the woods, I know a great spot," Killua claimed, turning his head towards the many trees.
"Osu!" Zushi yelled, crossing his arms and uncrossing them in front of him.
"Ous!" Killua mimicked happily and turning around.

"You got something to say scumbag? You want me to kill your ass?!" a boy with short spiky hair and freckles yelled, gripping onto Nagisa's collar, and grinning. Killua watched for a while, debating if he should do anything or not. Zushi had mixed feelings about what was happening as well.

Zushi and Killua froze, the air went cold, and the atmosphere got dark. What the two boys felt was the lingering presence of bloodlust. A chuckle was heard from the light blue-haired teen, his face shadowed.
"Like you got the balls to try. Go right ahead," he said, eyes glazed with darkness. The two boys who were harassing Nagisa, got out of his way, letting him walk past them.
"Dang, I bet they wet their pants," Killua hummed, taking a sip of soda.
"When did you get that?" Zushi asked, looking at the soda can.

"When this whole thing was going down. This is my replacement for popcorn right now," Killua explained. Zushi let out a frightened chuckle, before looking at his watch.
"I've got to go, class will start soon, maybe we can talk after school?" Zushi asked. Killua turned to look at Zushi, thinking about it.
"Yeah, alright. You're coming to my campus though, try not to die getting there," Killua smiled, waving goodbye as he walked away.
"Osu?" Zushi worriedly said, still doing the gesture.


    It was after school and Zushi was panting up the stairs of the mountain. When he reached the top he fell to his knees and then to the side of his face.
    "Hey guys, we have a dead kid over here," Karma said, alarming the students.
    "Is he okay?" Isogai asked, running towards the fallen Zushi.
    "Yeah, he's fine," Killua explained, walking to the crowd of students. Killua pushed them away, kneeling to his friend's height.

    "Hey, Zushi, let's get going," Killua said, kneeling and placing Zushi's arms on his shoulders.
    "I can't feel my legs," Zushi whined. Killua rolled his eyes, lifting him onto his back.
    "That's a shame, talk about it to someone who cares," Killua huffed out. 'His cheek is bleeding. I should've never let him walk up this mountain.'
    "Well, you see," Zushi began, getting cut off by Killua.
    "Idiot, I don't care!" he yelled, before taking out a band-aid from his pocket and giving it to his friend.

    "One day I'll figure out the mysteries of Killua Zoldyck," Zushi stated, grabbing the band-aid and placing it on his bleeding cheek.
    "Do you two know each other?" Nagisa asked, pointing at them.
    "Yeah, we've met a long time ago," Killua explained. Slightly smiling at the memories.
    "In a galaxy far away," Zushi said, spreading his hands out. Killua raised his eyebrow, not getting the reference.
    "I'll explain later," Zushi said.

    "Hey Dollie, are you picking this shrimp over me? What happened to our bonding moments?" Karma teased, poking Zushi on the cheek. Killua said nothing, mainly because he didn't know what to say. So, the boy turned around and started to head back to the cave. Karma, intrigued by his rushed exit, began to follow them. Killua noticed this, so he began to pick up the pace, ignoring the clinging Zushi on his back, begging him to be careful.

    Once Karma noticed the two were out of his sight, he returns to the school grounds, deciding to chat with Rio instead.
    "Killua, that was rude," Zushi pointed out, tightening his grip.
    "I'm sorry, but I can barely make friends. Especially when Gon isn't around. I don't even need anymore, I have Gon, you, and the others," Killua stated, quicking his speed since no one else was around.

    "I'm sure Gon would still want you to try. We're in a different world Killua, with no chance of returning home. Most of the moon here was destroyed, the school is run by a corrupt social ladder, and we are lonely," Zushi explained, sadly looking down. Killua gulped, he didn't want Zushi to find out about the monster that will soon destroy the earth too. If anything, he found his reason to kill off the teacher.

    "I know," Killua muttered, focusing on the path ahead. Once they reached the cave, he placed Zushi down and began to take down one of the wooden walls.
    "I've been meaning to ask you, how did you get here?" Killua asked. Zushi looked up at him, blinking slowly.
    "Oh, well I was here a few months ago. I just suddenly appeared here through a portal. I was at heaven's arena at the time," Zushi explained, walking into the cave.

    "A portal?" Killua asked, eyes wide. Zushi nodded his head.
    "Yeah, I was also given money and some items that will help me live off the streets for a few days," Zushi added.
    "Alluka brought me here at a later date. She gives me the same things, except I brought most of the items," Killua explained.

    "Alluka?" Zushi asked, tilting his head.
    "My sister, duh," Killua responded. The two of them chatted about their adventures and fights, both enjoying the company of each other. Zushi had even helped Killua study because the Midterm exams would be soon. The had sunset and Zushi was waving goodbye, returning to his house. Killua was quite curious where he was living, but decided that was a question for another day.


A new player has been added! Zushi is here! What do you peeps think? Oh, I'm going to have so much fun with Zushi boy here, no worries none of it includes death.
Side note: Did I write Zushi in character? I don't know. So just warning you all now: Some characters will be OOC (Out Of Character). Also, I wanted to point out that the Zoldycks are not immune to poison. They do have a very high tolerance to it though, as Silva pointed out during his fight with Chrollo. When it comes to corrosive acids, I think they can withstand a small amount, but not much of it. Cause it burns your eyes, mouth, and such. Some acids/poisons can even melt your skin and I'm thinking they can't handle large amounts of that, cause I mean, finger melting off. Well maybe if it was on their skin, don't know about it being in their digestive system. I know that Killua can withstand poisonous gasses greatly, so he's just walking around in that stuff breathing normally. An example would be the second HxH movie. I'd go farther into this, but I'll end it here. Bye-bye, hope you enjoy!

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