Chapter 32

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Class E continued their mission, walking up to the 5th floor. Everyone was as silent as they could be, walking close to the wall. Once they got to the scenic walkway, they noticed a man standing near the glass. The man had blond hair that reached his chin, a white beaded necklace, and a green trench coat. Two students mumbled among each other, wondering why the man was there. The guy suddenly cracked a part of the glass wall behind him with his bare hands. The students let out a terrified yell.

"Boring... I can hear your footsteps, people. I wanted to kill someone interesting not a bunch of amateurs," The man said. Killua felt ticked off right there, his entire existence felt like it was just insulted.
"Isn't your leader some special forces dick, or did he get bagged? Hun," the guy continued, staring at the wall in front of him. The man moved his eyes towards Class E, he asked if Smog, the previous assassin, lived or died. Including if their leader was still standing. The man said hun quite a lot in his sentences, weirding the students out. The students all walked up to the man, except Killua who stayed behind. Zushi looked back for a second before nervously joining the others.

The students all felt uneasy, wondering why the man spoke the way he did. Before Karma could say anything, Gon shot his arm up.
"Sir? Why do you keep saying hun a lot? Is something wrong?" Gon innocently asked, not aware that it could've be been insulting. Class E gasped, surprised Gon voiced out their opinion.
"Hun. It's how samurais talk. Read someplace they used to do it all the time to sound intimidating. I like the way it plays. Makes me feel like a badass," He explained, completely confident with himself.

"You're a samurai? I thought you'd be an assassin too, seeing as you know the other guy. Also, you don't sound intimidating at all. Actually, you sound quite funny and strange," Gon let out. The man seemed to not take it to heart and instead saw it as criticism.
"It is the first time I tried it out. Hun, I might drop if you really think it makes me less intimidating. Well, after I kill you. It'll be like having a fresh slate. No one else had heard me speaking like this after all," the man said, stretching his hands.

"I'm sorry, but no will die today! Cause, I'll be protecting them!" Gone cheerfully smiled. Killua rolled his eyes, standing up and walking toward Gon. The man was caught off guard, having not noticed Killua's presence or heard his footsteps.
"You're-," the man was caught off by Koro-sensei.
"Your hands, sir. Are those the only "tools of the trade" you have at your disposal?" Koro-sensei asked. The man continued watching Killua for a while longer, analyzing the young boy. Killua forced himself to not make any emotions apparent other than bordem. 'Shit, he noticed something, didn't he?' Killua panicked.
"Makes staying incognito easy as pie. Someone pats me down, I got nothin'. But I can still snap their neck. Hun, these babies know what's up. Sometimes when I'm in the mood, I could crush a skull," the man explained, still starting at Killua and flexing his hands. At this point, all the students noticed the man's interest in Killua.

Zushi and Gon were both reminded of Killua at the head-snapping part and turned to glance at him. The man took note of this. Killua could already feel their eyes on him, not even needing to look. Killua pointed to the cracked glass wall, activating Nen. Zushi was confused at first but then realized what Killua was doing. Gon had realized before Zushi, but sadly he couldn't use Nen. 'Morans! Don't look at me, he's already suspicious!' Killua's nen spelled out.
"How strong could you be to do that?" Killua asked, still pointing at the cracked glass wall. The man smiled.

"Strong enough to crush skulls," The man repeated.
"Murder," Killua spat out quietly to himself.
"Funny, the thing 'bout bein' this good. The better you get at sendin' people to the sweet hereafter. The more you start to crave to use your gifts for somthin' beyond just plain killing. I mean, you still want to kill, hun. You'd just wish someone'd give you a real challenge," the man explained. He kept his eyes on Killua, trying to find any clues to solve his suspicions. 'I related to the first part, but the last bit Nah,' Killua thought.

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