Chapter 16: Dream?

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I know this makes no sense but- just bare with me- it'll make sense soon.


Eh, I'll give him the blood when he gives me back Yamaguchi. I made my way to my room and flopped down on my bed.

I slowly began drifting off to sleep.

Yamaguchi's POV-

What the hell?....aren't I supposed to be dead?... (he knows he got into a crash and he thought he was dead)

I slowly opened my eyelids, a blinding light shining through.

I looked to my left and saw a bewildered Tsukishima. I was confused.

"I-I.... just had the weirdest dream..." he mumbled. I smiled weakly and pat his head, "tell me about your dream..." I spoke weakly.

He nodded, as he began explaining it.

I was shocked, that was a weird dream. "I committed suicide in your dream?.." I mumbled, he nodded again, "but I promised you..I would never do that, as long as you stay beside me.." I said with a small smile.

He hugged me tightly, I was shocked but hugged back. "I'll always stay beside you..." he mumbled into my neck. I smiled and ran my fingers through his hair. But he's not wrong about the abusive dad though.... I sighed and kissed his cheek.

He sat back down and gripped my hand tightly, "everything felt so didn't make any sense.." he said.

"That's how some dreams are, they may feel real, and define the logic of life but, you'll end up waking up soon." I said intertwining our fingers. He smiled and kissed my hand. I blushed.

"but what's really odd is that, it wasn't mainly in my point view.." he said. Now this got me interested. I nodded, basically telling him to continue.

"It was in Yours, Hinata's and even's odd because I don't know much about Kenma and rarely think him, but yet I still dreamt of him?" He said. I rubbed his knuckles with my fingers trying to soothe him.

"Dreams can be weird Tsukki" I said smiling at him. He gave me a small smile back.

I turned my head towards the door once I heard it opening. The door opened to reveal a worried Suga. He smiled and walked over to me, "hey! How's it going Yamaguchi?" He asked joyfully. "Good, I'll be out of the hospital in a few days! I'm excited" I said smiling. He smiled back and hugged me.

"Guess what" he said basically jumping in place. "What?" I asked.

"Me and daichi are dating!" He exclaimed as he jumped up with his hands towards the celling. Okay, now that was adorable-

"Congrats! I'm happy for you!" I said, Tsukishima looked unbothered and kept staring at me.

I felt a blush creep up onto my cheeks. "Stop staring...." I mumbled. Suga laughed. I sent him a playful glare.

Soon Tsukishima had to leave and left me alone with Sugawara. "So, tell me, how'd you confess?" I asked curious because I thought Michimiya liked daichi. Michimiya is a great person and very sweet but she was kinda getting the way. Either way I still feel bad, if she found out yet.

"Well, I actually didn't confess" Suga said rubbing his neck sheepishly. I gaped, "He liked you!? Dang he's good at hiding his feelings for someone..."I muttered. Sugawara nodded and smiled, "I honestly thought he was gonna say 'I'm dating michimiya' and I was ready for it. So it surprised me when he said the words, 'I love you'." Sugawara explained.

"You get 'em!" I exclaimed, wincing at the sudden pain in my chest. "Careful Yamaguchi, your still not in perfect condition" Sugawara said getting up. "I've gotta go, I have a date with daichi" Sugawara said blushing. He turned to Yamaguchi before leaving, "do I look okay?" He asked, he was wearing a black grey coat with a black turtleneck underneath, white jeans and grey ankle boots. I smiled "you look lovely, now hurry up, you don't wanna be late do you?" I teased. He blushed but nodded. He waved at me before he left and closed the door behind him.

I chuckled and looked at the celling. Thoughts racing through my head non-stop.

Just as I was about to sleep, a nurse came in. "Hello, I've come here to give you pain killers" she said smiling as she placed the bottle of pills to the stand beside me. I smiled "Thank you"

"Your welcome" she said as she left the room.

I looked to my right, I saw the water and pain killers. I reached over and grabbed the pill bottle and put one in the palm of my hand.

I set the pill bottle and placed it back where it was. I reached for the water and grabbed it.

Just as I was about to swallow the pill, I heard the door forcefully open and a bunch of doctors yelling 'call the cops' . I trembled as the figure came stomping towards me. I didn't dare look up .

All of sudden I felt the glass of water get taken out of my hand and smashed against the wall. The person all of sudden grabbed my hair and made me look at him. I trembled, realizing it was my father.

"You little bitch. You didn't come home for days. You deserve a punishment."



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