Chapter 10: Panic attacks

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"Where am i.." I mumbled to myself. I started having trouble breathing, my vision blurred, I couldn't move, I couldn't even blink. Everything stopped

Everything was motionles

-3rd person POV-

"Hurry up! Get a doctor! Now!" Yelled out nurse who was having trouble calming down Hinata, who was having a panic attack.

Hinata was currently, taking short breathes, he felt like he was dying.

Where am I?

Is this a hospital? Did I mess up again!? Did I take a wrong step?...

All of Hinata's thoughts were racing through his head, repeating themselves. His heart beat increased as tears slipped from his eyes.

"Hurry up! His panic attack isn't getting better!"


Hinata began calming down but not enough for his panic attack to go away.

"Sir, back away! He's not stable!"

"He's my boyfriend! Let me through damnit!"

"Kenma?...." Hinata muttered as his heart started calming down. The doctor was bewildered he's calm?..just a second ago he was acting as if someone was killing him...

Kenma pushes past and made his way towards Hinata, "thank god your okay...I got a call from Kageyama, he heard you start yelling, he knew you would get worse when you saw him...but I doubt that," Kenma sighed before continuing, "So he called me and said it was urgent, as you can see, I'm still uniform" Kenma chuckled as he gestured to his clothes. Hinata smiled slightly, still shaking. Kenma embraced him in a hug.

"It's okay...I'm here now, your okay..."Kenma whispered softly as he rubbed circles in Hinata's back. "What happened?...why am I here?..."Hinata muttered as he pushed Kenma away softly.

Kenma hesitated for a moment, " got into an accident, we were walking and when you were running across, a car came and basically ran you was lucky that you even made it out alive..." Kenma said, intertwining their fingers together. Hinata frowned, "I'm so stupid...I should've looked both ways.." Hinata muttered as tears started welling up in his eyes.

"It's not your fault, they purposely hit you" Kenma said rubbing Hinata's knuckles. He wiped away his tears, "I have to go, as much as I would to stay, i still have school and I'm not excused if I'm absent" Kenma said letting his hands drop down. Hinata frowned but nodded.

"I'm sorry, I'll be back after volleyball practice" Kenma said as he left the room, leaving an upset Ginger alone.

"Sir, we have your food" a nurse said walking in with food on a tray. "I'm not hungry..." Hinata muttered loud enough for her to hear. She frowned, "you have to eat. You haven't ate in a day. Eat it." She said sternly as she slammed the tray down infront of Hinata. Hinata stayed still, this angered the nurse. She quickly grabbed a spoonful of burning hot soup and shoved it in Hinata's mouth, Which caused his mouth to burn. Tears trickled down his cheeks as the nurse forced the food in his mouth.

In the middle of that, a doctor came in, "hello, I'm here for your- what are you doing!? That soup is burning hot!" Yelled out the doctor in panic, he quickly walked over there and shoved the women out the way causing her to fall. He sighed. "Look what you did! He's scared now! If he didn't wanna eat, you don't have to force it!" Yelled out the doctor, "I'm sorry, but we can't let food go to waste!" She argued. He snapped and grabbed her arm and yanked her out. Muttering colorful words on his way out.

Hinata sighed and waited for the soup to cool down. Once it was cool, he began eating slowly, careful not to upset his stomach.

-A few days later/ Hinata gets released from the hospital-

Yes! Finally! I'm getting out of this place! Hinata thought as he bounced up and down happily. He was a smiling idiot, at least that what Kenma thinks.

Once Kenma with natsu to sign him out, He quickly ran to hug Kenma. Kenma smiled and hugged back. Natsu smiles, seeing her brother was happy.

Hinata quickly picked up natsu, "I missed you so much! How was daycare?" Hinata asked, walking away with Kenma. She nodded and smiled, "it was great! And I made new friends!" She said smiling still. Hinata smiled, happy to hear his sister is doing great.

Hinata was anxious to walk across the straight but still crossed, thanks to the help of Kenma. "Since It's Saturday, how about we go visit Miyagi prefecture? I'm sure your old teammates will love to see you again" Kenma stated. Hinata nodded and they all ran to the apartment.

Once they got there, they quickly went to change out of the dirty clothes. Hinata wore and yellow hoodie with the words 'sunshine' across, Black jeans and converse, with a choker. Kenma was wearing a black T-Shirt with navy blue knee-high shorts and converse. Natsu was wearing a blue shirt with leggings and black sketchers.

They all went to the train station and took a train to miyagi prefecture.

They all went to visit yamaguchi, who was with Tsukishima and Suga.

"So what brings you to miyagi prefecture?" Asked yamaguchi as he sat beside Tsukishima with a cup of tea.

Hinata smiled, "I recently got out of the hospital and Kenma decided to visit you all!" Hinata said, like it was a normal thing to say. Kenma facepalmed as Tsukishima and Yamaguchi stared at Hinata like he was crazy. "What?" Asked Hinata.

Yamaguchi coughed and put his tea down, "why do you say that casually?! Is that why you weren't at the practice match?! Are you alright!?" Yamaguchi asked frantically. "What practice match- Kenma." He said and turned to him. Kenma gulped, "I didn't want to tell you because then you would want to play, and you weren't in good condition.."Kenma said fiddling with his fingers, Hinata kept his gaze on him for a while but then sighed and faced Yamaguchi, "yes I'm okay now, I got in an accident apparently but I'm in better condition now, that's all that really matters" Hinata said leaning back in his chair, smiling.

Natsu ended up drifting asleep on their couch. Hinata smiled, "is it okay if we stay her-" Hinata cut himself off as he saw Yamaguchi quickly shake his head no, and his eyes wide. Hinata got the sign and picked up Natsu, "it was nice visiting you three, Bye!" Hinata said walking away with Kenma and natsu.

"Suga, Tsukishima I think it's best you leave too, it's getting!" Yamaguchi said quickly as he ushered them out, Tsukishima was about to protest until the door slammed in his face.

He sighed and left along with Sugawara.

-Yamaguchis POV-

Crap! He's gonna he here any second! I haven't even cleaned up! I frantically cleaned up the kitchen and my fathers room.

I quickly rushed over and collected the dishes and put them in the sink and started washing them all.

I heard the door opened and my eyes widened.

He's here. And I'm not even done!
I quickly began scrubbing faster. I stopped once I felt a hand grip my collar. I can already smell the alcohol...

"Not finished? You ungrateful brat!" He yelled, spitting all over my face. I felt fear creep up on me. I felt tears well up in eyes. I then felt something come in contact with my skin.

He slapped me.....



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