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A/n: The timeline might not be 100% in the next few chapters, I apologize if this bothers you. Thank you for your continued support! ❤️

- LHatake

Gaara didn't even think about reprimanding Kakashi for killing the traitors. The explanations as accepted without question. Tsunade had the same reaction for Kakashi when he returned to Konoha a few days later. Kakashi had waited until Y/n's fever broke and was able to spend some time with the boys. He had thought about taking them home with him but decided against it, fearing Y/n's wrath.

A thorough investigation as done in Konoha and they found no malice intent on Eagle or Jade's part, of any of the ANBU for that matter. Apparently, the team that had met with Koji had gone out drinking together and he pried them for information on Y/n and Kakashi. Eagle seemed quite angry actually, realizing that Y/n was an asset to the Leaf, or so it seemed. Jade only asked if Kakashi was alright, never asking about Y/n. Anko has a few choice words for Jade during the interview and Ibiki has to remove her. Y/n had earned respect among the majority of the ANBU, so Jade and Eagle learned to keep their mouths shut after that.

Before Kakashi left Suna, he made one stop to a certain puppet master to have a conversation with him. He knew Y/n might get upset about him doing this, but he just wanted to clear the air between him and Kankurō. That's what he told himself at least.

"She loves you," Kankurō has assured Kakashi after Kakashi threatened him, politely, "she's never done anything that should make you question that."

Kakashi sighed and Kankurō could see how difficult this truly was for the older man, "She gets... lonely- and it's not my place- but- I- thank you, for keeping an eye on her."

Kankuro couldn't help but smirk, "She slapped me when I tried to kiss her." He immediately raised his hands when Kakashi's face shifted from nervous to murderous. "She's trying, whatever is it isn't going on between you two, she's trying."

Kakashi was slightly surprised by his words, she was just so needy, that wasn't the right word, but it would work. He was thankful for Kankurō's words though. "If something happens, please call me." He finally said.

Kankurō agreed and they shook hands, sealing the agreement. Kakashi knew Kankurō was a good man, with a good heart. Kankurō could see the love she held for Kakashi, and he could see that Kakashi felt the same.

Christmas passed and the boys were spoiled. Raiu's third birthday came and went. Next was Y/n's birthday, but she was on a mission, so Kakashi didn't even get to see her until a week later. Spring was upon them, and Kain's first birthday was nowhere.

Y/n cried in the shower that day, and Kakashi had found her in the freezing water, her back still an angry red from how hot she had had the water. She wasn't sure what the feeling was that filled her, but she hated it. Weakness and turmoil. She missed Obito, but how on earth could she say that to Kakashi?

"It's okay to miss him," Kakashi whispered as he held her close that night. "I won't love you any less if you say you do."

She clutched onto him, arms wrapped around him as they lay facing one another, legs a tangled mess. She sobbed, "I'm sorry."

"Don't be," he whispered, but it only made it harder for her.

Would she have other moments like this? That night she broke down and told Kakashi about what she did on Obito's birthday. She snuck off to where the cabin was and sat on the porch all alone. The rain had poured down on her as she walked, and the thunder boomed as she cried into the raging storm. She screamed and wailed, but no one heard her agony.

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