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Winter was nipping at our heels and I was finding myself excited about it. Six months have passed since I've been in Suna. Kakashi and I had more conversations that lead to crying and yelling, but we were getting somewhere with it all. I think. He was still standing by my side, so that's all that mattered.

I was a few hours from my arrival at Konoha and the winter air was chilling. Rowan was by my side and it was just us. Asa insisted I take some time off and even arranged it with Kakashi and Gaara behind my back. I was pissed, initially, and then they told me to take the week off and go to Konoha. I decided to travel on foot to get there, spend a few days home, and then use the thunder god technique to get to Suna. So, Asa has the boys and Kakashi and I would get some time alone and an opportunity to do some Christmas shopping for the boys.

"Let's rest," I said as I noticed a storm that wasn't fabricated by me rolling in. A winter storm would be ice cold and harsh to walk through.

Rowan turned to the tree line for us to find shelter, "Is there a cave nearby?" He asked as he prowled forward.

"I don't know," I scanned the area, "split up, howl when you've found something." I directed.

"As you wish," I shook my head at his answer but I couldn't respond since he vanished.

There was a chill in the air that nothing to do with the season. I felt on edge and lightning pulsed through me. Something sinister was in the works and I felt the hair in my neck stand up as I walked deeper into the woods. The clouds were dark and the overcast sky was looming and daunting above. I was grateful for my cloak when the rain fell like needles but my face was still partially exposed.

I squinted through the fine mist of stinging rain as I searched for a shelter somewhere nearby. I sensed Rowan close by still and found it strange he didn't venture further off unless he sensed the danger as well. I was thankful for the time alone with Rowan, I even summoned Sage yesterday and the three of us ran in the forest together. I thought about shifting into my wolf form but I was content with myself at the moment and continued forward.

Rowan drew closer and closer to me, his scent becoming stronger. The moment I turned and opened my mouth to speak all I saw was a blur of black as he lunged at me. At first, I thought he was simply protecting me from and incoming enemy but I realized I was wrong a moment later. Rowan's eyes were empty and nothing but a feral beast stood over me.

"Ro-wan," I grunted as I held him at bay, barely having enough strength as he chomped down on my left forearm. I hissed in pain as his teeth sank into the flesh and blood dripped onto my face.

I used my right hand to punch him in the chest and he yelped at the chakra filled hit and I was able to roll him off of me. I continued to roll until I was a few feet away and sprang to my feet. I looked at the wolf now stalking me, walking in a circle as the predator sized me up. There was nothing of my friend and mentor inside of him, whatever was wrong, was serious.

"Rowan," I'd have to try at least, "It's me, Y/n." I matched his pace as we continued to walk in a circle, "Your Alpha," I'd try this approach, "stand down." He only growled at my words before he stalked a step closer and then circled again.

My blood and his saliva dripped to the forest floor and I watched his eyes dilate as he analyzed me. I took a swipe of my blood and summoned his brother who froze immediately at the sight before him. I shouldn't have summoned him, but I didn't know what else to do. I didn't want to hurt Rowan, but he was clearly intent on killing me.

"What's going on?" Sage asked, concern and worry filling him.

I threw my cloak behind me, "I don't know," I lifted my injured arm, "he attacked me from behind and we've been like this ever since."

Missing Kunoichi (Book 2 of MK Series) Where stories live. Discover now