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A/N: the song At Twist in My Story' by Secondhand Serenade was my inspiration for this chapter. I hope you enjoy it. 😘

- LHatake


The mid-autumn breeze stirred the sand around her while she stood atop the Kazekage mansion. Her cloak was down in the office that she should also be in, but she needed to have this conversation sooner or later. Her hair was blowing in the breeze and she clutched the phone in her hand tightly as she held it to her ear. Part of her was thankful for the newer technology, but she also cursed it quite frequently, like now.

He was sitting in his apartment watching the sun begin in its descent into the night. He sighed as flopped back onto the bed and listened to the silence on the other end of the line. He was frustrated and couldn't seem to find the words to make her understand why he was so upset with her call. She wasn't coming home this month, she didn't have the time. He just wanted her home, for good.

"I can't make it," she repeated in a hushed voice, "we've had some issues with a leak and I need to be here until I find it." She explained further, though she shouldn't have.

"You're not the commander," he growled and she frowned before she bit her lip in uncertainty, "Y/n..." he knew by her silence that this was only going to get worse.

"It's temporary," she urged, it was, she knew that even he knew that, but that wasn't the point.

He put his hand to his forehead, "Is it?" His voice was now quiet, soft, and worried.

"Of course," she tried to smile but she knew he didn't believe her. Gaara and Kankuro had discussed the change in order for Koji to observe a more seasoned ANBU in the position. In truth, Y/n hated it.

"I thought we worked through all this," he dropped his hand next to him and closed his eyes.

It was her turn to sigh and she gazed at the horizon, where her home was in the distance, "Through what?" Now she was worried.

"Being able to talk through things," he said with an edge of irritation.

She was fuming at his words, she didn't understand him at all at that was driving her nuts. She was a Kunoichi, not a dainty woman that needs to be taken care of. She wasn't going to become a domestic housewife and never work again. How does she say that without snapping at him? Or crushing him?

That's exactly what he wanted though. For her to move back and take a teaching job or even take on a team of Genin. Something safe. For him to be the husband she needed, even if she didn't realize it. Let him take care of her and the boys and they raise their family together. He hated imagining her off on missions alone, or even with a team, and not knowing if she'd come home. He was afraid that her luck would run out one day.

Lightning skidded up her left arm that hung loosely at her side, "We're talking," she grits out, "when I should be inside in a meeting." She added for good measure.

"You can take a break to call your boyfriend, dammit," he flinched when he realized what he said.

Her eyes grew wide for a moment before they narrowed to thin, suspicious, slits, "Boyfriend?" She repeated heatedly, "I don't recall talking through that." She threw back at him. "You don't own me, Kakashi Hatake- and you never will."

They were boiling at this point, unable to truly convey what they wanted to one another. Why couldn't he understand her independence? Why couldn't she see he just wanted to take care of her? It wasn't that he thought of her as weak, or incapable of taking care of herself, he just wanted to cherish her. It wasn't that she didn't want him to take care of her, she didn't really know how to let him take care of her.

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