Our Love Is Toxic

Start from the beginning

"Turn out the lights. I have bills to pay." She stated as they walked out the door. Getting put in a squad care she could see them tearing her house apart now that she wasn't inside. She sighed Lucious better come correct with everything or she was seriously gonna kill him.

A short ride later instead of being processed she was brought into an interrogation room. They sat her down uncuffing her. The female cop escort looked at her with sympathy.

"Can I get you anything? A pillow? Water?" She asked.

"A pillow and water would be nice." Cookie respond, the woman nodded walking out.

Cookie let out a breath resting her hand on her stomach. She was fighting the doubts trying to force themselves into her mind. Lucious wouldn't let his pregnant wife go to jail for his shit. He was fucked up but not that fucked up. Shaking her head she took a deep breath. This was Lucious the man so in love with her he would murder for her or about her. It went both ways for them, she wouldn't even think about it. If he told her too shed do it no questions asked.

"Mrs.Lyon or can I call you Cookie?" The detective from before spoke walking in with her pillow and water followed by another woman. He handed her the items watching her put the pillow behind her back.

"Cookie is fine." She responded.

"Okay Cookie it is. We can end this all and send you home now if you help us out. Where is you husband?" He asked, she looked at him blankly.

"You tell me."

"I find it hard to believe you don't know where he is. You're his wife, if you don't help us we have no choice but to charge you as an accomplice." He snapped, she shrugged rubbing her stomach.

"I'm sure that will go well. While your at it explain to you boss the bullshit charge you guys brought me in on." Cookie threw out watching him grin. He was regestiring that she was smarter then he was giving her credit for.

"Look let's back track here huh? How bout you talk to me. Forget him, I might be new on the job but you're going about this all wrong Caleb. My name's Emily, since we're on first names." The woman spoke flashing Cookie a friendly smile. Cookie rose a brow, for one this was turning into some bad cop good cop shit. Secondly they felt that bringing in a woman would pull some comfort and trust from Cookie.

"Okay..." Cookie muttered playing along while Caleb watched her intently.

"How'd you meet Lucious? Or when?" Emily questioned resting her face on her hands like this was some girl talk.

"I'm just trying to understand." She threw out when Cookie didn't respond. Shrugging Cookie decided to humour her.

"When I was 16."

"16....wow and your 28 now. That's a long time to know.....Someone like him." Emily hummed.

"That's 12 years....which tells me that your husband was 19 at the time right? I don't have to tell you how wrong that is do I." Caleb spoke up, Cookie rolled her eyes. .

"Leave her be. It was love right? Young love is always so beautiful....."

"Fuck no." Cookie laughed cutting Emily off. Love was no where in the equation. She remembered the day they met like it was yesterday.

12 years ago.....

Cookie giggled in her best friend's car. They were on the way to the hottest party of the year. It wasn't everday that you git invited to something like this. The party's her brother used to talk about in high school. He said it was always like an upscale yearly thing. You had to be someone to get invited. Here she was a sophomore in high school personally invited.

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