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Damian's POV

I was so excited . when we entered through whatever it was I forgot its name  , I suddenly felt very nervous . Bruce  was holding my hand so I don't wander off but he was walking very fast and I was getting tired of trying to keep up with him .

“ papa ! Please slow down " I said while trying to walk faster

“ what are you talking about Damian , I'm walking very slow " he said smirking at me as he walked

“ no you're not ! " I said while trying my best to keep up with him . finally he slowed down .

I felt people staring at me so I looked around and saw people staring at us .
My grew hot and I tried to hide my face then I remembered what Tim  told me

Flash back

“ Damian if you feel very nervous or shy just hide in Batman's cape ” Tim said , I looked at him in disbelief

“ his cape ?”  I said in disbelief .

“ yes his cape . we all at some point in our life had hide in his cape because we were feeling shy or nervous  "

“ he wouldn't mind ?"

“ no he never minds . i think he secretly likes it when we hide in his cape  ”

Flashback ends

I stepped inside his cape and it kinda felt nice in here . it felt like nobody can hurt me in here . after some time of walking ( my feet are killing me ! ) he stopped and I stopped with him .

“ batman ! Nice to see you " I heard a male voice saying “ who's this ?" The man asked and I think he's asking about me

“ my son " bruce   replied

“ which one ? " the voice asked again

“ really Clark ? " Clark ? who is Clark ?

“ oh right ! The one you adopted recently ! "

“ congratulations  , you figured it out "
I can feel bruce's annoyance in that sentence  “ Damian you can come out Now  " nope its too comfy in here “ don't you want to meet superman ?" Bruce asked and I froze , this guy is superman

“ hello Damian " I heard Clark now superman  say  . alright  Damian if you won't reply he'll think your rude , so come on say something  , you can do it “ hello " I said in very small voice

“ hi " superman said “ do you want to come out from there ? " I don't think I have the courage to be in front of super man  “ we can also meet other heroes like wonder woman  , flash , Green lantern if you come out  " again I don't have the courage to be in front of superman and he is very friendly , how can I be in front of other heroes ?

“ what are you  two doing ? "  a woman's voice asked

“ ah , wonder woman  look ! Bruce finally brought his son here " what wonder woman is here ! My favorite super hero ! I am even more nervous now

“ ah ! I see but why is he not coming out ? Is he sick ? "

“ no Diana he's not sick , he's shy " superman said to wonder woman . superman and batman began talking about something , I can't figure out what . Suddenly I felt something on my leg and the next moment I am upside down and wonder woman is grabbing ankle

“ hello child " she said and I was too shocked to say something

“ Diana put him down ! That's not how you hold a child  " I heard superman say . suddenly I was grabbed and held tightly to someone's chest . I looked up to see it was Bruce who was holding me

“ why did you took your child from me ? Do you not trust me with your child ?  " I heard Wonder woman ask

“ no Diana that's not it , you just not hold a child like that   ” super man said . there was silence for a moment again before Wonder woman spoke again

“ alright I'll hold him more appropriately now  ” she said . I felt Bruce tightening his grip on me for a moment before I felt someone taking me from him and of course it was wonder woman . she held me right this time

“ what is your name young child ? " She asked me

“ Damian " I answered

“ Damian ?  Such a nice name  "  she said

“ thanks ” I said

“ how old are you ?  " she asked

“ eight " I answered

“ eight !  your so small ! Batman do you not feed your child ? " she asked

“ of course he feeds me ! " I yelled , how can she say that ?!

“ whoa , kid she's just joking !" Superman said . oh ! Okay , I knew that she isn't like that

“ alright , I have to do some work on the computer so I think we should go " Bruce said moving forward to take me but wonder woman stopped him

“ we can take care of him while you do your work " she said smiling

“ thank you but Its okay I can take care of  him  " Bruce said trying to take me again from wonder woman's grip but she stopped him again

“ no, we can take care of him " she said

“ yes I'm sure the others also want to meet him " superman chimed in

“ but- " “ we can take care of him , Bruce "   wonder woman  said cutting him and Bruce now looked defeated .

“ alright " he said  “ if you need my help I'm in the monitor room " he said and stared at me for a few seconds then he turned around and walked away .

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